Thursday, February 16, 2017

Save the Date: 1st Annual Appreciative Inquiry Showcase

1st Annual Appreciative Inquiry Showcase and Chili Cook-Off/Pot Luck Event

Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 14th between 11:30 and 1:30 for a great event!  The Appreciative Inquiry Steering Committee is will host a VP Finance Pot Luck luncheon, including a Chili Cook-Off, to celebrate and showcase the work that has been done over the past year in all of the Appreciative Inquiry Committees. 

There will be poster presentations by each Committee to share the highlights of their accomplishments.  This will also be an opportunity for you to learn about the purpose of each AI committee.  We hope that everyone will consider signing up to participate on an AI committee for next year.  We want to rotate membership throughout VP Finance so that everyone who has an interest in participating gets a chance!

While you’re enjoying the posters, you can take part in a Pot Luck lunch and Chili Cook-Off. 

Those who like competition should get out their favorite Chili Recipe and compete in the 1st Annual VP Finance Chili Cook-Off.  There will be prizes for several chili categories (more later on the exact prizes and categories).

If you prefer to just share and not compete, please consider bringing a side or dessert.  Chicken and drinks will be provided, but we need more than that to make this a true pot luck event.  We have set up a sign-up Genius account so that you can indicate what you will bring. 

So get out your favorite recipes and prepare to dazzle your colleagues with your culinary expertise!

  Sign up through Sign Up Genius below. 

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on March 14th!


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