Thursday, September 21, 2017

UBI SIS Demo Sessions Offer Guidance to New SIS Users

During the last two fiscal years, the Managerial Reporting Project (MRP) Team has introduced the UBI reporting environment to the University and continues to deliver new modules of the UBI reporting tool - primarily to the Finance-related community of users. Well ahead of the planned December 31 sunset for Discoverer reports, MRP is releasing new SIS reporting modules regularly with each update to UBI.

Throughout the month of August, MRP held a series of introductory presentations about UBI and student reporting. The sessions were created to demonstrate the basic functionality of UBI and show the new UBI SIS Class Scheduling module.

Leading the UBI SIS Demos was Mark Anderson, Business Intelligence Lead for Managerial Reporting, assisted by Gregory Ball, Project Analyst for MRP. The MRP Team set out with the purpose of making sure that potential users would have a chance to hear more about the project, see a brief demo, and ask questions or raise any concerns that they might have.

“I was very pleased with the turnout and participation,” Anderson said. “Users seem to be open to the coming changes and the planned [UBI] adoption process.”

The demo sessions focused on informing (or reminding) new UBI users of the rationale behind the UBI MRP project, such as improved reporting and analytics capabilities, as well as the impending sunset and loss of support for Discoverer.

Highlights of the sessions were describing the process for collecting user requirements and migrating current reports from Discoverer to UBI, showing a demo of the UBI Class Scheduling module, and discussing the resources – such as training and support – available to users to assist them during the transition. The timeline for testing and production rollout, in addition to the adoption program, were also communicated.

Another aspect of the sessions was communicating the timeline for migration to SIS users, while addressing the need for users to adopt UBI. Anderson noted the team behind UBI is prepared for the pending sunset of SIS reporting in Discoverer.

“The timeline is going to be much shorter than we had for Finance, but our team is better prepared,” Anderson added, “and we have the lessons we learned from the Finance adoption. So, in some ways, I think the shorter timeline will be beneficial to our stakeholders.”

As for takeaways from the demo sessions, Anderson hopes as users become more familiar with the new reporting tool they will collaborate with the MRP Team during the transition to fine-tune and improve University reporting and analytics capabilities. “Our team has a process in place to capture user requirements and we are involving and partnering with the SIS community throughout the process.

“We know that we won’t get everything exactly right on the first pass but our process is structured to collect feedback and respond rapidly to unmet needs.”

Anderson recommends the best way for users to prepare for the change is to take advantage of training opportunities and to use the new UBI reports as they become available. “[Users] can send us feedback and get comfortable well before Discoverer goes offline this winter.”

This story was originally featured in the UBI Community.


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