March 27, 2019
Dear Colleagues,
Here at UVA, we’re constantly undergoing change: we have a new President, a new Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, a new Provost, and soon, a new interim Executive Vice President for the Health System. To add to the mix, UVAFinance is undertaking a transformation that will impact the entire University community and change the way we do business.
Change is a continuous influence on our work, and many of us are more constantly connected to work than ever before. With the World Health Organization recognizing stress as the “global health epidemic of the 21st Century,” more of us than ever before are at risk of burnout.
Change can feel threatening, and you may be wondering about the impacts to you: Will my job change? Will I have a different manager? Where will I sit? Will there be additional organizational changes? How will the President’s strategic plan impact UVAFinance, especially as we undergo our own transformation? I know precisely how you feel, as I’ve been adjusting to a new boss, to new team members, and to new responsibilities.
AND, if all of that weren’t enough, our personal lives are also filled with their own unique changes and issues that add more anxiety and stress to the mix (two teenage daughters, need I say more?).
Change is a challenge, but since we aren’t going to escape it, it’s smart to learn not just how to survive change, but how to thrive during it.
A key factor to thriving during change is resilience. Resilience is a person’s ability to bounce back from, and grow and thrive during challenge, change, and adversity. This is something we all need to practice, myself included! We all have pressures in life and work.
How can we develop resiliency? I found these ideas from a Psychology Today article on what resilient employees do differently to be really helpful:
1. Develop high-quality relationships with your peers, your manager, your team (listen supportively & build trust)
2. Avoid burnout (practice self-care to maintain energy & enthusiasm) (check out Hoo’s Well offerings)
3. Be your authentic self (don’t be afraid to show vulnerability)
4. Grow your grit (pursue long-term goals with passion & perseverance)
5. Stay inspired (your work has value; find the meaning)
6. Be mentally tough (think positively and be flexible)
7. Anticipate change (you know it’s coming!)
Change can bring new and interesting opportunities: for growth & learning; for developing new relationships with teammates; for collaborating with finance partners outside of UVAFinance; and for taking on new and exciting responsibilities.
One of the things we're most excited about is the opportunity for our team to take a fresh look at what we do and shape it for the future while shaping your own careers in the process.
Strive for resilience and give it a try!

PS: Questions and uncertainties are a part of change, no matter who you are. Be assured that both I’m committed to telling you what we know when we know it when it comes to FST, even when the information is imperfect or incomplete. Please take advantage of the online Finance Community for info, and feel free to let me or your manager know what questions and ideas you have!
For further reading on resilience: