Wednesday, November 2, 2022

FST Updates: November 3, 2022


Office Hours Wrap Up, Segue into Time with a Trainer

Since July 11th, after the go-live of Workday Financials, around 3,000 people have participated in open office hours, but as people are getting more confident in many areas of the system, attendance is significantly tapering off, so we’re discontinuing office hours for November.  But we know people still need support, so we’re pleased to announce Time with a Trainer. This is more of a one-on-one learning time, where people can book a time with a finance trainer to ask their questions and get help.  Visit the Workday Finance Training page to schedule Time with a Trainer.

Tracking Issues During Stabilization

As we move through the stabilization period of the FST project, the team’s primary area of focus shifts to conducting knowledge transfer, making sure that we are ready to provide the best ongoing end-user support, that we’re ironing out known issues, and that the support team is prepared for the future state.   To that end, we keep tracking and reporting on those areas that are on our colleagues’ minds – areas like
account certification, reporting, and of course, procurement.  

You can follow along with these areas (and get resources and guidance) and all other deferred items on the UVAFinance website (click on "Items in Progress").  

Reporting & Analytics Release (& RAD 2.0)

The Reporting and Analytics team has again provided us with a nice big update as of October 28 that includes, among other things, some great news about the release of RAD 2.0, which will provide a one-stop shop for all your grant and post-award financial needs.  Don’t forget that the team also has a new resource called “Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator,” which recommends reports for common tasks and data needs.  Find the updates and resources on the UVAFinance website.


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