Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Few Updates from Stacey

Parking and Meeting Spaces: Carruthers Updates


·       We now have parking passes for visitor parking in the Y1 lot for the designated visitor spaces (front row).  Please see Linda Leake or me (next to the coffee area) for a pass until the building receptionist is hired.

·     Concerning handicap parking, following is the latest information I received:

Once the rain has cleared and we can paint and post some signs, there will be 2 additional Handicap Spaces created in the Y1 Parking Lot.  As a reminder, there are Handicap spaces on the South Side of Carruthers near the entry door.  

If all Handicap Spaces are used, then a Valid Handicap license plate or placard can be used in the Y1 Lot for the day, while we get the additional 2 constructed.

·        Carr-1 and Carr-2 Conference Room -  If you find that you need the divider taken up or down, please ask me or Toni Hash.  She is located in the first office in ITS on the left of lobby.  We were trained and have the tool needed to do it.  We check the calendar each day to make the adjustments ahead of time if possible.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or post comments and questions below.  Again, I thank you for your patience during these renovations and changes.


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