Friday, June 1, 2018

UVAForward 2018 Virtual Recap

If you went to UVAForward 2018, you know it was great, and if you didn't get to go, you've probably heard about the great sessions and speakers on the agenda.

Whether you were there in person or not, we thought you might enjoy a "virtual walkthrough" of some of the thoughts, tips, insights, resources, and reactions that made this year's conference awesome.

It's not all-inclusive (there were so many great sessions, presenters, and displays), but you'll hopefully get a taste of things you might've missed or maybe a revisit of something you really enjoyed.

Visit the UVAForward site for more info!

What was your favorite part of Forward? 

Share in the comments!

Morning Plenary Session

Pamela Sutton-Wallace

Session Recording Coming soon!

"What I took from Pam Sutton-Wallace's talk is that values are the foundation of everything.  You can have an amazing strategy lined out, but without good values and a solid culture, that strategy isn't going to come to fruition, But as she said, even with a half-baked strategy, if you have strong values and a strong culture behind it, you can pull it off."  -- Christopher Birkl

Using Process Mapping to Improve Your Work Productivity 

Presented by Johann Reinicke and Adam Griggs

"This was a great session, learning how process mapping can help you think about your process, and help you understand what parts of it add value and what parts might be candidates for improvement and eliminating waste.  There are lots of tools and methodologies to help with that -- we did some exercises to help put the concepts into real-life situations.  It's something a lot of people can benefit from.  One tool we covered was SIPOC - a framework of thinking about your process from a holistic view." -- Greg Ball

Learn more about SIPOC
You can learn more about Process Mapping from -- just log in and search!

Personal Brand 

Presented by Kimberley Barker

"Kimberly encouraged people to look at personal branding as something not cheesy and self-promotional.  Her session was full of good practical stuff on sharing your gifts and skills online so people know what they are and so they can find you.  It was cool!" -- Jerilyn Teahan

"I'm not good on social media, but she covered everything we'd want to learn on how you present yourself online to potential employers and even on your current job.  I'm going to try to promote my book the way she described!" -- Linda Mayo

See more from Kimberley Barker:

Get to Know Office365

Presented by Keith Donnelly and Shawn Clouse

"This was a great basic overview --it's all very new, but I'm looking forward to trying the chat feature." -- Lori Ponton

Demos, upcoming classes, and lots more information on O365 available on ITS' website.

Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness Through Better Email Habits

presented by Marne Power

Some tips from the session, as reported by attendees:
"Don't check your email constantly.  Schedule time to process your email and file it.  Create a folder called 'Actionable' so you can take action on those." - Tanya Rahman
"Get to zero inbox items at least once per week. . . that was one really great tip for managing your inbox." -- Adeline Coe
"You need deliberate practice to set limits on email-checking, and to schedule a time to work on the actionable items.  I want to try it!"   - Tanya Rahman
"Plan daily, weekly, and quarterly. Schedule planning time, up to an hour and a half on Friday afternoons, once per week.  Do fifteen minutes of planning at the top of each day." -- Tanya Rahman
"Even if you don't take action on something, respond to the sender and say I received it and I'm working on it." -- Adeline Coe

Human Flourishing and the Art of Resilience

presented by Leslie Hubbard

See a clip from the session on UVAFinance's Youtube Channel.

More great resources and programming available from the Contemplative Sciences Center:


presented by John Alexander and Valencia Harvey

See a clip from the session on UVAFinance's Youtube Channel

More about HoosBrave and Brave Space from the Center for Leadership Excellence.

Afternoon Plenary Session

Presenters: Pat Hogan and Rick Shannon

"Lean principles are the 'secret sauce' that has propelled us to where we are." -- Rick Shannon

Session Recording Coming Soon!

See pictures from UVAForward on Flickr

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