Thursday, June 16, 2016

Posters Around Ground: A Simple Process

Posters around Grounds—A simple process

You’ve seen large-format posters around Grounds (UVA Forward,
Carruthers Hall Spring Fling, OE Project Alliance Showcases). These posters are
an effective way to increase project visibility, team messaging, or display
other important visuals. Jeremy Serkin has produced a few dozen
departmental/project posters in the last year or so—with three basic steps:
Content, Layout, Print. 

Content (1 or 2

What is your message? Establish any
text content you want to use. If you plan to use pictures or graphics, locate
high-resolution images (Google Image search allows you to filterbased on image size). The larger, the better.

Layout (1 or 2

Good is in the Details. Experts use
the Adobe Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign. But Microsoft PowerPoint
is an easy and accessible tool for the rest of us Do-It-Yourself graphic designers. Just set the page dimensions to
the desired poster height and width before laying out content. There are even self-guided
PowerPointposter design tutorials on YouTube.

Print (2 or 3

Finalized your work? Great! Save the
file as a PDF, and email
Attach the PDF and provide as much detail as you can (size, mounted/not
mounted, date needed, Organization, PTAO, etc). Keith Tyre and the folks at UVA
Printing and Copying Services do a nice job—so give them a few days to print,
mount, and deliver.

Content. Layout. Print. It really is that simple.


Time:                    4-7 days

Cost:                     ~$125 (for 4’x3’

Delivery:              Yes


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