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Notes on the Timeline
With 2020 more firmly in our rearview mirror, the FST project team is moving forward into new and exciting territory. We’re seventeen months and a couple of days away from the go-live of Workday Financials, and there’s a lot happening. We're fresh off of the first round of Customer Confirmation sessions and the project team is in its first of two sprints – during the next two months, they’ll be making sure we have all the requirements our stakeholders have outlined are configured or in progress toward configuration in the tenant.
After that, they’ll do a second build of the Workday financials tenant, and then, it will be Customer Confirmation Session time once more! For this round of CCS, we’ll not only include more folks on the invite list, but we’ll also be working with our Change Leaders in the schools and units to help do some additional outreach in their areas. After that, there will be two more sprints to make sure everything is ready, from configuration to user stories, and then it’s time for end to end testing.
FDM News - What's up in the Chart of Accounts Area
The project team is focusing on developing the mapping tool that will get our current GA/GL strings into the new FDM. They have a pretty good idea on most mappings, but there are of course some things they can’t be sure of, especially because of the current flexible use of the PTAEO. They’ll be working closely with schools and units and showing some sample mappings in groups like the Fiscal Administrators in the coming weeks and months. The whole FDM mapping process will be iterative, beginning around April or May and stretching all the way to March of next year.
There will be lots of opportunities during that time for tweaks and adjustments. If you’re a fiscal person in your area, you may be wondering what you can do to get a head start on all this mapping. You can start thinking about your tasks – the task has been used in a number of different ways by different departments. If you can think about the easy connections – the ones that can map to already-identified work tags, that will be a great help, and then the team can work closely with your school and unit on the outliers.
Nicole Ferretti recorded a great “intro” to all the FDM before the first round of Customer Confirmation Sessions. It’s a good primer to get your head around the new structure and help you start thinking. View it here.
Training News
Besides the everyday work that the training team does -- being imbedded with the FST project team in an advising capacity, doing outreach, and gathering change impacts, they’ve also been talking to peer institutions that have recently gone live with Workday Financials.
They have learned a lot from our colleagues, both on what really worked for them in terms of training and on what to avoid. We’re on the cusp of starting content creation for training. This spring, they will be developing a curriculum, a training plan, and a calendar. Read more here on the blog.
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