It's the most prevailing question related to the implementation of Workday Financials (besides "will there be training?" -- which you can read more about here): What will my work look like when we move to Workday Financials?
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Check out the Security Role Summaries |
The answer to that question hinges on security roles, and how roles from Oracle have been mapped to Workday Finance.
**Be sure and check out the link at the bottom of this article to our "Day in the Life" Security Role Summaries.**
What are Security Roles in Workday?
Workday's security framework enables what a user can see and do within Workday. Security Roles determine what secured content, workers or transactions, and specific items or values, users can access. All employees receive the "employee as self" security role, which allows them to initiate self-service transactions.
What has been done with Security Roles so far?
We just finished a sprint with UVA school and unit leaders on Security Role Mapping. The first draft of this mapping was submitted to the project team in mid-March. Currently, the FST team is reviewing those submissions to make sure everything looks good and that there are no conflicts. There is still time for roles and responsibilities to be adjusted before go-live.
What's next? When will I know what my role is within Workday Financials?
Starting this month, school and unit leaders will share role assignments with their teams. These are discussions that managers and leaders will have with their teams.
How will I learn how to function in my role?
Training is role-based and begins in May. We are providing Security Role Summaries that will help you understand what you will do in your role, what reports you'll be able to run, and what training you will need to take. As your leaders have conversations with you about the role you will fill, this resource will be helpful as a snapshot of what you'll be doing.
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"Workflow Control & Approvals" is another name for the work we do involving Security Role Mapping |
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