Wednesday, June 29, 2022

FST Update: June 30, 2022


No time to read all the text? Check out Five things to Know about FST

When Workday Financials goes live on July 5, that’s not the end of Finance Strategic Transformation.  Even though the system will be live, there will still be lots of adjusting, training, building, and refining to do, plus the work that will occur with Adaptive Planning 3.0 and other parts of the project.  July 5 isn't so much of a finish line as it is a major milestone and the gateway into stabilization.

Read more:  What to Anticipate at go-liveUVAFinance website complete at July 5 Workday Finance Launch

The FST Team is ramping up efforts to support you post-go-live.  The Training team will still be offering training in July, our Finance Solution Center will be in overdrive, with folks from throughout UVAFinance pitching in to handle your questions and concerns, and the training team will host a series of Office Hours for you to visit and get help.

Head to the UVAFinance website and visit the FST part of the webpage, where you can see the schedules for the office hours and additional training, plus lots of other new resources that we’ve prepared for you, including an FST News Ticker so you can quickly see deadlines and pertinent info related to the launch, and a place right under that where we can catalog known issues as they present. 

Read more: FST Website Launch Support Materials, Finance Solution Center ready to help

Timely, transparent communication is our top priority.  The entire team is committed to sharing relevant news and updates leading up to and beyond go-live.  We will update all of our regular communication channels continually and will send timely messages directly to affected user groups when needed.  

Don't wait to take your training.  For all required courses, there are self-paced options available, so if you can’t make an instructor-led session, you can take it as your schedule allows.  If you’ve been assigned a financial role in Workday, you should get your training done so that you’re ready to do your work when Workday Financials goes live.

Read more:  Take your Training (and note Office Hours on your calendar)

Adaptive Planning resources are ramping up.  The training team is working with the Adaptive Planning team to produce training for Adaptive 3.0, the version of our budgeting software that will integrate with Workday Financials.   Adaptive Planning 3.0 goes live on July 28, and besides the training, we’re also building support materials for this transition on the UVAFinance website.

Read more:  Adaptive Planning 3.0 Resources and Training

Thank you to everyone who’s been so gracious with their time, expertise, and feedback.  We look forward to sharing the fruit of all this labor with you as the summer progresses. This is going to be an
exciting few days, with a little bit of chaos mixed in, but with the work we’ve done with all of our partners out in the schools and units, we are in good shape for this launch.  There may be bumps in the road, but we will handle them just like we’ve handled all this long, arduous preparation: together.

See you on the other side of go-live!


Five Things to Know about FST: June 30, 2022


1.  Workday Financials launches on July 5!  This is a huge milestone for the FST project but not the end of the project.  Work will be ongoing:  refining processes, addressing issues, and so on.  Want to read more?  Check out What to Anticipate at Go-Live.

2.  The UVAFinance website and the FST portion of the web have new features to keep you in the loop at and after launch.  

3.  Don't wait to do your training!  New instructor-led classes have been added for July.  You can view the training calendars, see course slides and quick reference guides, and check out the schedule for Office Hours our trainers will be hosting after go-live on the Workday Finance Training page. 

4.  Adaptive Planning 3.0 goes live on July 28.  Remember that you will not see your budget in Workday Financials on July 5.  Training for Adaptive 3.0 is coming soon, and we are building up resources to support users (including timelines, suggested activities, and more). 

5.  The Finance Solution Center (, 434-924-3400) is ready to assist you now and after the launch.  All hands will be on deck (our trainers, the FST team, and subject matter experts) to get your questions answered!  Even if you have a "go-to" person you direct questions to, we recommend contacting the Solution Center so we can ensure the best solution in the shortest amount of time, and so that the answer to your question can become part of the general knowledge we're able to share with everyone!


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

One Call (Email), That's All

The Finance Solution Center is busy responding to and triaging requests as we zoom toward go-live on July 5. After go-live, the team will continue to be well-equipped to route all requests efficiently. The FSC team has streamlined things so you don't have to! 

What that means is that users should only send a direct email to without copying other members of the UVAFinance team. Additional notifications can slow the process down and this is not the time we want to lose any efficiency. The FSC agents will certainly include UVAFinance team members as they are needed.

Remember, users are now able to speak with a live agent by calling (434) 924-3400 between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Agents will be ready to intake new support cases and provide status updates on existing cases.


Related content:  What to Anticipate at Go-Live, Workday Finance Training Update (including the availability of Office Hours)


What to anticipate at go-live

The launch of Workday Financials is scheduled for July 5th, at which point we’ll finally be able to enjoy the many benefits that come along with this modernized system: improved reporting tools, increased efficiencies, consolidation of HR and Finance in one single system, and more! 

To help guide you through this exciting change we have put together a few need-to-know items relating to Workday Financials go-live and all that entails!

  • We’re here to assist you. We know that questions will arise, especially in the early days of processing financial transactions in Workday, and that’s why a team of user success agents are prepared to assist you with whatever Workday Financials support you may need. Should you have questions about your access to view and complete specific tasks in Workday Financials, review this Security Q&A document; if your question persists, please reach out to the Finance Solution Center by email at or by phone at 434-924-3400 for assistance. We look forward to helping you!
  • Learning resources are available to help you navigate the new system. If you hold a security role with required training, be sure to complete your training before July 30 in order to maintain your security role in Workday.  Review the Security Role & Training Overview document for information about available recommended and required training and instructor-led training schedules. You can also review course slides and Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) available on the UVAFinance training webpage and enroll in web-based courses in Workday Learning to complete at your own pace. Looking for live support? Drop-in on one of the many topic-specific office hours scheduled throughout the months of July and August – no sign-up required.  See the schedule and get the Zoom link on the Workday Finance Training Page
  • Timely, transparent communication is a top priority. The team is committed to sharing relevant news and updates leading up to, and beyond, go-live. Stay up to date by visiting the UVAFinance website and blog regularly, and be sure to subscribe to the UVAFinance blog digest (see the upper left-hand side of this page to sign up) to receive regular FST-related email communications.  You can also keep track of FST-related news by checking in on the FST News Ticker on the UVAFinance Homepage.
  • You can create Expense Reports on the go with Workday Mobile. Did you know you can take Workday Financials on the go and create Expense Reports from your phone? To get started, download the Workday mobile app on your Apple or Android mobile device. Refer to the Create Expense Report in Workday Mobile Application QRG for detailed instructions.
  • Certain elements of the system are still a work in progress. While the system is officially in production, there is still some work to do. For more information on the Workday functionalities that are in progress and relevant workarounds, review the Go-Live Items In Progress on the FST webpage.

UVAFinance Website: Launch Support for Go-Live!

In preparation for the launch of Workday Financials on July 5, we've made some adjustments to keep you in the know during the critical time before and after go-live. 

Check out these new features:

  • FST News Ticker on the UVAFinance homepage - quickly see deadlines and pertinent info.
  • Known Issues on the UVAFinance homepage - here's where we'll post about any hiccups that happen at go-live and in the ensuing days/weeks.   
  • Updated content on the FST portion of the site - new FAQs, updated training information, Adaptive Resources, and more!
  • On the About FST portion of the FST content, you'll find new sections.  "Timely Updates" will include reminders and news, while "Items in Progress" tracks the ongoing work on the system.

While our intent is that the website is a useful resource for you, know that we will of course continue to share information through direct email (targeted to affected groups), general email updates after go-live, the blog digest, and in our regular meetings.  

Thank you as always for your partnership - we look forward to taking this milestone step with you, and supporting you as we move forward!


Related content: UVAFinance website fully finished on July 5!


Monday, June 27, 2022

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Launches July 28

This summer is the season for launches in UVAFinance.  Shortly after Workday Financials launches on July 5, Adaptive 3.0 will go live on July 28.  

The FST Adaptive Team and partners across Grounds have been working hard to bring you the "future state" version of Adaptive Planning -- one that will integrate with Workday Financials and also offer many new features. 

We're excited to share with you the possibilities for budgeting at UVA.  But wait!  There's more:

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Training is Coming

The FST Training team is putting the finishing touches on web-based, on-demand training for using Adaptive Planning 3.0, including quick reference guides.  

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Resources are on the FST website

We've collected resources, dates, checklists, and more to help you with the transition from Adaptive 2.0 to Adaptive 3.0.   Visit the site to learn what you can do now to prepare for Adaptive 3.0, where you can get assistance, and what FY23 will be like.  Check it out:

Just a few quick things to remember: 

  • You won't see your budget in Workday Financials on July 5.  That will happen on August 17.  
  • Remember that after Workday Financials launches, you might find yourself very busy with important tasks such as loading fund transfers or working on fund balance realignment.  Now is the time to prepare for the launch of Adaptive 3.0.
  • Questions or concerns?  We want to hear them!  Reach out to us at

Mail Cutover – July 4th Change from PTAO Generator to FDM Validator

On July 4th, the new Workday FDM Validator is to be activated in preparation for the Workday Financials July 5th go-live date. The new Workday FDM Validator replaces the former Oracle PTAO Card Generator. Oracle PTAOs will no longer be accepted by Mail Services.

Beginning July 4th, attach a printed FDM QR Code/Bar Code to your unit’s mail for processing. Use the FDM Validator to generate the printable pdf of the FDM QR Code/Bar Code for the timely processing of your mail. The FDM Validator is located at the full printed page to your mail for processing.

If you are uncertain of what FDM Codes to enter or how to utilize the validator, please consult with your unit’s core finance team and they can assist with the appropriate FDM Codes. Mail Services is not able to direct on unit FDM Worktags. If there are questions on using the FDM Validator tool itself, consult

Your prompt attention to this change will help ensure the timely processing of mail for all Academic and Health System departments.


Related Content:  Bookmark this page - the new FDM Validator


Sunday, June 26, 2022

PO Number and Delivery Address: Differences at Workday Financials Launch

Two very common aspects of purchasing will be affected by our transition from Oracle to Workday Financials: one is an improvement and one will be a temporary inconvenience. To learn more, read on!

1. Purchase order numbers will look different.  PO numbers will have just 10 digits; the seven leading zeroes you are accustomed to seeing will be removed. The number convention will remain the same. This change allows the easier exchange of electronic data between UVA and our suppliers.


  • Oracle PO Numbers – 7 numeric digits – 2458874
  • Workday Numbers from Training – 13 alpha-numeric digits – PO-0000000015
  • Workday Numbers after July 4 – 10 alpha numeric digits – PO-0000015

2. Full Delivery addresses will temporarily be unavailable. We recently discovered that Workday’s coding doesn’t properly convey the full “deliver to” address that includes building names and room numbers. This means some shipments will arrive with only basic delivery information such as street address and the name of the requester. The FST team has prioritized doing the custom coding work that will correct this issue as quickly as possible, minimizing disruption.

To mitigate the delivery address issue in the interim:

  • We recommend using the MEMO TO SUPPLIERS field to populate specific delivery instructions such as room numbers, if applicable. Use this field no matter what the type of supplier is.
  • For non-catalog suppliers who get a PO attached to an email, the MEMO TO SUPPLIERS field will be visible automatically. The FST Team is confirming with our catalog suppliers (prioritizing suppliers that deal in perishable goods) to ascertain whether the field translates properly to their systems.
  • We have provided central receiving and loading dock personnel with two different ways to confirm the specific location in case it is not on the shipping label.
  • We are preparing specific communication and resources for our PIs and laboratory staff to assist them.

Thank you for your patience and partnership as we work out the details that inevitably arise during such a large implementation. If you have questions or concerns, we will be happy to assist you. Reach out to us at or give us a call at 434-924-3400.


Did you know?  We're tracking "known issues and changes" on the Workday Finance launch on the UVAFinance website!  Visit the homepage to see!


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Workday Finance Fun to Boost your Brain

Experts say games like Wordle are great for brain health and can help boost our mood when we're feeling low.  

If you're a bit stressed out today, take a break that is fun and productive with our Workday Finance Wordle and Workday Finance Word Search.  Share them with your colleagues who could use a breather and little more Workday knowledge :)


Get your Training Done; Mark your Calendar for Office Hours

There are just a few business days to complete your training prior to the July 5 launch of Workday Financials! 

With few exceptions, training is required. For all required courses, there are self-paced options available. If you will be assigned a role, you should find the required learning program in Workday Learning. 

In addition to the self-paced options, there will be limited instructor-led sessions available in July as well as office hours. Required training must be complete by July 31, 2022, to maintain the assigned role.   

If you have any questions about training, please contact

Visit our Workday Finance Training page to learn more.  You'll see the July Training Schedule, Office Hours Schedule, and more!

Want to help your school/unit win a prize? The first three schools or units to reach 100% required training completion will receive breakfast from the FST team!


Keep or Delete from Records & Information Management

If you're cleaning up your file storage, are you sure you know what you're supposed to keep and what you can delete?   RIM can help you sort yourself out, literally and figuratively!

The July 7, 12:00 to 12:30 session introduces strategies to clean up legacy electronic storage. Participants will review practical steps to remove clutter and chaos of department electronic storage to a well-managed repository. Attendees will learn about the RIM offered electronic records clean-up service.

This 30-minute class is part of a six-part series covering specific topics in managing information and records in the electronic environment. Attendees can complete all sessions or only those sessions to help with specific issues or transformations.

Register on the RIM webpage: 


Bookmark this page: FDM Validator!

Do you use the Oracle PTAO Card Generator?  

When Workday Financials goes live on July 5, the new Workday FDM Validator will replace it!  

Use it to validate your FDM worktags or to print barcode/QR code representations of your FDM string.

Here's where it will live when we go live:


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Art of Problem Solving: Meet Financial Planning's Myron Ballard

Myron Ballard

Myron Ballard has ten plus years of experience in a variety of administrative roles across UVA and the health system, from Darden to the Department of Biology to SEAS and Printing and Copy Services.  This June, UVAFinance welcomed him to the Office of Financial Planning and Analysis as a Project Associate.  

Ballard is a natural problem solver, dedicated to making colleagues' jobs easier and finding solutions for problems.  In fact, his interest in his current position only came about because he was helping someone else locate that perfect job when he encountered the listing.

"The role just seemed so focused on helping to innovate and modernizing work, and helping to carry a department into the future," he says.

In other words, it was a perfect fit for someone with his career background and skillset.

In addition to the depth and breadth of his professional experience, Ballard also brings the skills of an avid fiction writer, the perception of a prolific visual artist, and his bachelor's degree from UVA in Anthropology.

Ballard finds that his studies and his artistic pursuits complement his chosen career very well. 

"Anthropology taught me to think more about how people think," he says.

"In all the different positions I've held, I have been able to think about how people behave as a reflection of how they think of themselves in their environment, and how that work environment, in turn, shapes them as an individual."

Ballard takes that insight into the story behind the person into his art and his day-to-day work. 

"Whether I'm painting or drawing, or writing a piece of fiction, I think of the story behind how people operate; and in my job, I think of how the department operates, or the school.  I try to understand the relationship of the parts to the whole," he says.

He also finds that he can bring his innate creativity into his work life, as he identifies ways to make his colleagues' work more efficient and enjoyable.

Visit Ballard's website for art, short stories, and more:


Launching alongside Workday Finance: The completed UVAFinance Website!

The redesign of UVAFinance's suite of websites into a single, user-friendly site is a project over a year in the making.  Undertaken during the Finance Strategic Transformation and led by the Finance Strategy Team, the website redesign is an ambitious, ongoing project that now has a launch date in sight:  July 5, the same day Workday Financials goes live. 

If you haven't visited the site in the last month or so, stop by and take a look.  

UVAFinance colleagues have been working hard in partnership with the Strategy Team to update and transition content to the new site in a way that allows our stakeholders to get the information they need quickly.  The new site is organized by function, not department, meaning that you no longer need to have an understanding of Central Finance's structure in order to find the forms, training, and other resources you need.

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard (during a major implementation project, no less) to make this happen!


Related content:  What's new on the FST portion of the website as we prepare to Launch Workday Financials


UVAFinance in Action

Mark Cartwright, Director of Supplier Diversity, was a guest on Envision Radio, a partnership between WINA and the United Way of Greater Charlottesville, that focuses on racial equity, especially economic mobility as it relates to education, health, housing, and workforce development.  Cartwright's 45-minute discussion with hosts Ravi Respeto and Price Thomas took place on May 21.  Listen in to get to know more about Cartwright and UVA's Supplier Diversity efforts.

You can listen to the podcast conversation here.

Addie Coe, Procurement Systems Manager, presented at the National Association of Educational Procurement Annual Meeting in Texas earlier this June.  Coe's topic was "Optimizing Procurement's Revenue Streams."  During the talk, higher ed purchasing officers from across the USA learned more about UVA's innovative efforts to use contracts, technology, and other methods to generate revenue in order to become a self-sustaining administrative support organization to our partners across Grounds.

Augie Maurelli, Associate Vice President for Financial Operations, presented at the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Meeting in Texas this May.  Maurelli discussed endowment spending policy, administrative feeds, and required investment return.

Reach out to Brandi Van Ormer if you or someone on your team should be featured in UVAFinance in Action


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Caregiving Resources for UVA Employees

UVA established the Family Support Collab in June 2021, bringing together a cross-functional group with experience and insight into caregiving needs and resources. 

The Family Support Collab aims to better understand and evaluate the needs, challenges, and resources involved in employees’ caregiving needs. You can learn more on the HR website.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Five Things to Know about FST: June 13, 2022


1.  The Finance Solution Center is now reachable by phone!  In addition to responding to your emails to, our User Success Agents are taking your calls starting Monday, June 13, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.  Got a question?  Give them a call at 434-924-3400.

2.  We're in the stage of the Finance Strategic Transformation project called cutover, which means there are many deadlines to take into consideration as we switch over from Oracle to Workday Financials.  An interactive chart of cutover deadlines is available online.

3. Workday Financials Training is available.  Don't wait to take your training!  Know that you can refresh your knowledge using course materials, quick reference guides, and on-demand web-based training.  These resources are linked from the Workday Financials Training page. 

4. New resources related to the launch of Workday Financials are available.  You can check out further guidance regarding fund balance ownership (look under Training and FAQs) as well as more detailed information for faculty and PIs.

5.  Workday Financials isn't the only system launching in July -- Adaptive Planning 3.0, the version of our budgeting software that will integrate with Workday, will launch on July 28.   If you want to read more, check out this blog piece.

Click image for larger view


Friday, June 10, 2022

FST Update: June 13, 2022


No time to read all the text? Check out Five things to Know about FST

Oracle to Workday Financials Cutover

On July 5, when Workday Financials replaces Oracle as the University’s financial system of record, we’ll not only be using the same system for all of our operational needs – both finance and human resources – but also, we’ll finally have a modern, cloud-based financial system that allows the kind of flexibility and strategic planning that we’ve long-needed.

We’re now in the cutover phase of the project, where some types of transactions are temporarily paused so that we can make the switch from Oracle to Workday – this affects things like travel and expense, purchases and payments, budgeting research awards, and even some HR-related transactions.  If you haven’t already, we encourage you to visit the Cutover Resources page on the UVAFinance FST website to see what deadlines affect you and your area.

Cutover Considerations from the blogChrome River Cut-Off Dates, Payroll Deadlines

Workday Financials Training

Training users of the Workday Financials system continues to go well, both in terms of the number of people who’ve completed training relevant to the roles they have within Workday Financials and also in terms of how they feel about the training.  Remember that you can refresh your knowledge from instructor-led courses by taking the on-demand web-based courses, too.

Read the Training Update in the blog. / New training and support information for Faculty & PIs

Finance Solution Center Call Center Launches

Since it launched in March, the user success team has logged more than 3700 email requests.  They’ve been learning on the job and doing great.  Today they add a key feature to their support:  A phone number! You can always reach out via email, but as of Monday, June 13, the team will also be taking your calls from 8 am to 5pm.  You can speak to a live agent by calling 434-924-3400.

Read the full FSC update in the blog.

Fund Balance Ownership

Schools and units are also working on fund balance ownership and how budgets and actuals will be different in the future state.  Our Budget Process redesign group has developed some resources that will help folks view their expendable fund balances and navigate the change in some types of transactions in Workday. 

Read the update and access the resources for fund ownership.

Adaptive Planning

Adaptive 3.0 goes live on July 28. This is the version of Adaptive Planning that integrates with Workday Financials.  Schools and units have several things they can be doing now to prepare for the launch date, even before Workday Financials goes live (when many other things will need their attention).  

Read the full update on the blog and learn how to get help planning for Adaptive 3.0.

GL Balance Conversion

After Workday Financials goes live, fund balances in the new system will require adjustment because we are transitioning from a two-ledger system to a flat ledger system.  Schools and Units are planning for this effort to last a couple of months after the system launches.  

Read more about how fund balances will change and how to see funds in the transition time.

Click image for larger view


The Finance Solution Center is Ready to take Your Calls

While the Training Team is ensuring staff understand their work in Workday Financials, the Finance Solution Center is readily preparing to handle support requests after go-live.

The Finance Solution Center is our centralized, first human point of contact for most support requests leading up to and post go-live. In preparation for the launch of Workday Financials, the Solution Center was launched in March and we began consolidation of support e-mails that existed in UVAFinance. We have made tremendous progress over the past three months—streamlining pathways for support, refining our ability to respond promptly to routine questions, escalating complex cases more efficiently, and improving performance on service standards.

Since launch, the user success agents have fielded more than 3,700 email requests and we are excited to announce that our call center will be live on Monday, June 13th. Users will now be able to speak with a live agent by calling (434) 924-3400 between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Agents will be ready to intake new support cases and provide status updates on existing cases. Of course, you may continue to email your questions and issues to and we encourage that particularly for more complex questions or issues requiring a high degree of context.

At present, the bulk of the cases being handled by the team relate to procurement, accounts payable, and the financial strategic transformation. As we expect a much higher volume of inquiries at and shortly after go-live, surge support plans are being developed and activated to ensure that users continue to get the support that they need in a timely manner. We encourage you to provide feedback through your responses to our surveys or by emailing the User Success Manager, Joey Carls at This feedback allows us to continually improve service to the UVA community and our external partners.

Thanks to each of you who have engaged the Solution Center for your grace and patience as we have worked to establish a top-notch support framework!


Workday Finance Guidance for Faculty

Oracle will be sun-setting as of July 5, 2022, replaced with the cloud-based Workday Finance system. Financial information on your sponsored projects from the Oracle system will continue to be available via UBI reports after transitioning to Workday. If you were certifying transactions on your awards using the Oracle Recon@ system, you will be using the Account Certification process in Workday. Multiple Workday Grants reports have also been configured and tested to provide sponsored programs-related information to you as the PI.

See below some resources that will make the transition and stabilization period smoother for you and enable you to focus on your important work:

  • Faculty Resources Webpage: this site contains details about the cutover from Oracle to Workday, information about fund balance visibility after the launch of Workday Finance, and more.
  • Principal Investigator Resources: Linked from the Faculty Resources page, this site contains a reference guide that will assist you in navigating Workday, learning how Awards work within Workday, setting up delegations, approving invoices, and more.
  • Workday Finance Training Resources: this site, also linked from the Faculty Resources page, details the wealth of training and learning resources available for you and your financial support teams with instructions on how to access them.

Financial officers from your school and unit have been working with Central Finance and the Office of Sponsored Programs for over two years to ensure that the needs of your area are met. Finance staff in your area have been exposed to Workday Financials and have received training on the business processes they perform.

Thank you in advance for your patience with both your area finance professionals and the UVAFinance team as we navigate this transition and stabilization period over the next few months. 

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at


UVAFinance Welcomes David Nelson as Assistant Director of Payables

David and his family

I was interested in this role at UVA for a number of reasons,” David Nelson said when asked what attracted him to his new role as Assistant Director of Payables. 

“From a career perspective, this was an opportunity to step further into a leadership role and have increasing levels of responsibility.”

Nelson’s previous position was at the non-profit Simons Foundation in New York, NY.  At SF, he performed technically focused initiatives as a Senior Accountant and Systems Administrator. In his current position in UVAFinance, he wants to shift to a more strategic approach with an advocacy mindset for his fellow team members and what will make them successful:

“I always like to keep in mind the mantra ‘when you shine, we shine.’ From a Payables perspective, my vision for the future is to create cohesion so that the team can better communicate and collaborate with other departments in UVAFinance so that we all benefit. I am excited to see what contributions I can make to this great organization and to partner with people to ensure that everyone has a chance to share their knowledge and ideas, and have their voices heard.”

As Assistant Director of Payables, Nelson currently works most closely with Jenn Glassman, Addie Coe, Alita Salley, and the rest of the Procurement and Supplier Diversity Leadership Team. Though he has a strong vision for the future of Payables at UVA, he acknowledges that he still has much to learn from Jenn, Addie, Alita, and others.

David's children, Frankie and Reuben
From a personal perspective, Nelson and his wife of 11 years, Suzanne, wanted to come to Charlottesville because they were looking for a healthy change that would benefit their growing family and allow them to establish strong roots. The couple has two children, a 3-year-old daughter named Frankie and a 9-month-old son named Reuben, and they also have a dog named Gherkin. For Nelson and his wife, who used to live in Charlottesville before moving to New York City in
2014, moving back to Virginia with their family was a calling that was hard to resist.

In his free time, Nelson makes the most out of living in Virginia. First and foremost, he loves spending time with his family. He also enjoys getting outdoors and hiking the numerous trails near Charlottesville. When possible, he enjoys traveling with his family and has a spoon and magnet collection from all the places he has visited. 


Yvonne Metheny's Diversity of Experience enhances General and State Accounting

Yvonne Metheny has been with UVAFinance for her entire 14 years at the University. She's gained experience and functional knowledge in positions including Accounting & Financial Analyst, Cost Analyst, and Manager of Debt.

Recently promoted to a new position, Metheny is now the Director of General and State Accounting. Debt Management, State Accounting, Bank Reconciliation and Accounts Receivable all report to the Director of General and State Accounting.

Metheny says she never really wanted to be an accountant. In college, she started with some accounting courses and did well in them, but she joined the Air Force and turned her attention to computers. Eventually, she earned her Bachelors’ degree in teaching and education (business education). A short stint teaching high school classes wasn’t a good fit, so she went back and got an MBA with a specialty in accounting. That path led her to a fulfilling career with UVAFinance.

Yvonne Metheny

"My position is very fluid and ever-changing, and will be even more so with the upcoming launch of Workday," Metheny says. "There will be a lot of change in the way we process and analyze data. I will continue to work closely and collaborate with other departments in Finance and across Grounds."

So far, she enjoys the diversity of work that her position entails.

"I like knowing the big picture and the challenge of solving problems," she shares. "I like that no two days are the same and I am able to work with so many different people."

Aligning with her propensity for adventure in her work, it is no surprise that she enjoys traveling, and exploring different places in Virginia. She also loves spending time with my family and friends and doing anything that has to do with water.


Michelle Gregory Accepts Manager of Finance Data and Analytics Position

Michelle Gregory

Now that we are only a few weeks away from go-live it makes sense to increasingly consider future state requirements. Teams responsible for post-go-live support, like the Workday Finance and Data Support Team, have already formed, and more are continuing to do so. One team that is still  taking shape is the Finance Business Intelligence Team.

Michelle Gregory, previously a Systems Analyst for the FST project’s Reporting & Analytics workstream, will serve as a member of this new team as Manager of Finance Data and Analytics. In this position, Gregory will be the lead Functional Analyst for Reporting & Analytics. Gregory says she will primarily “lead the Finance Business Intelligence Team and assist finance stakeholders across the University in finding, using, and best uses of our available data sets and tools to answer finance-related questions.”

Some of her other duties include managing the Finance BI reporting request backlog, assisting in developing Tier 1 support materials, resolving Tier 2 and 3 cases regarding Reporting & Analytics, providing input into the development of the R&A roadmap and the development and launch of new solutions, and ensuring all R&A platforms are consistently meeting requirements.

As Manager of Finance Data and Analytics, Gregory will collaborate most closely with fellow Finance Business Intelligence Team members. She will also work with other departments and teams to deliver finance-related data, reporting, and analytic solutions. The groups she will primarily work with are the department of Financial Planning & Analysis, Budget Managers, HR, Information Security, User Success, Change Management, the Finance Continuous Improvement and Training and Development Teams, and the UBI and EDW Teams.

Additionally, Gregory will lead the Report Developer Team. She says her primary goal for this team is “ensuring that we are practicing robust quality control and maintenance practices, and [that our team] will take the lead in evaluating impacts and opportunities with each new Workday release.”

Gregory is eager for the completion of the FST project and all the opportunities her new role will bring. “I’m excited to continue building my knowledge of all things UVAFinance and finance reporting solutions to meet the objectives of the University,” she says. “I’m also looking forward to working with various finance teams to understand and help drive collaboration between all finance units regarding their financial reporting solutions.”


Alita Salley Steps into the Role of Interim Director of PSDS

Alita Salley

After the announcement in early May that Jenn Glassman would be leaving UVA, a search began to find an Interim Director of Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS). The search was successful, and Alita Salley was chosen for the role. Several other Procurement managers and directors also offered their support leading up to and after go-live, which is appreciated. 

Glassman's remaining time will be focused on Workday as we prepare for go-live. Salley will handle all day-to-day operations and compliance matters with the support of Procurement leaders, managers, directors, and Associate Vice President for Finance, Augie Maurelli. Glassman will be missed, but it’s good to know that when she leaves, Procurement operations will stay in capable hands. 

Salley joined the PSDS department in early 2021 as Director of Strategic Sourcing. She has about 20 years of experience in contract analysis and execution, acquisition and project management, and business development. She has helped develop multi-billion-dollar contract strategies for organizations like the Marine Corps, serving as a Department of Defense Contracting Officer, and in senior leadership roles in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. 

Additional interim positions may also be filled as needed to continue operations. Decisions regarding the search for a permanent Director of PSDS will be made in late summer or early fall of this year. 


Thursday, June 9, 2022

A Tale of Two Launches: Adaptive and Workday

It's the best of times; it's the worst of times:  at the same time the UVA community is excited about the opportunities that come from having modern financial and budgeting systems, we're burdened by the many dates and competing priorities that come from TWO system launches occurring very closely together.

The launch date of Workday Financials is July 5, as we're sure you've been made aware.  The launch date of the version of Adaptive that integrates with Workday Financials, Adaptive 3.0, goes live on July 28. It may sound like there's a generous amount of time between these two events, but we encourage you not to push preparing for the launch of Adaptive 3.0 too far down your To-Do list.

Remember that after the Workday Financials go-live, your time may be taken up by important tasks like loading fund transfers due to the differences in future state fund balance ownership, or working on your fund balance realignment.  The time immediately after the launch of any big system can have many things crop up that we didn't expect!

Check out this blog post for details of Adaptive considerations to keep in mind now, plus a rundown of what's new in Adaptive 3.0, and a link to a preview of Adaptive 3.0 you can watch.

Questions or concerns?  We encourage you to bring them to the June 21 Adaptive Budget Transformation Session at 11am.  We'll be happy to assist.  You can also reach out to us at


Note:  the author of this blog post is a literature nerd and all puns can be taken at face value and should not be interpreted as implying impending beheadings.


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Fund Balance Ownership: Resources and Support

If you've been keeping up with news from UVAFinance lately, you may have heard that the transition to Workday Financials from Oracle will bring changes to budgets vs. actuals as we've come to expect them to appear.

Read more about fund ownership visibility on the blog.  This post details the difference between BUDGETS and ACTUALS.

Even though these changes bring benefits, they represent a departure from the traditional way we refer to "budgets."   Knowing this, the Budget Process Redesign Group reconvened and helped the budget team refine the materials linked below to support stakeholders as they view expendable fund balances and navigate the change in some types of transactions.  

Posted now on the Budget Management part of the UVAFinance website:

Your school or unit will communicate internally on how they will implement fund balance ownership.  The UVAFinance budget team will be offering information sessions with units, as well as office hours to make this transition easier.  

Please reach out to us with questions or concerns at 


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Enhanced Communications: Join us on LinkedIn

Now that our Blog Digest is being shared more widely across Grounds, we'd like to introduce you to UVAFinance on LinkedIn! If you haven't joined us there, please access the site here and make sure to click "follow." We are sharing important information about Workday Financials go-live, new team members, open positions, and tips that can help staff and faculty with UVAFinance-related operations.

Our goal is to broaden our reach and appeal to job seekers and also communicate even more with our stakeholders and colleagues across Grounds. We'll be sharing tips on using our LinkedIn page to help you achieve outreach goals in your specific areas. If you feel inclined, we welcome your help in recruiting new team members. To do this:

  • Visit the UVAFinance LinkedIn page here
  • Locate the job announcement you wish to share and just under the post, click “Share”
  • From there, you can add some text such as “UVAFinance has an exciting opportunity to join the team as a Financial Analyst. UVAFinance is a phenomenal place to lead, grow, and work in a welcoming and supportive environment where everyone feels empowered to be their authentic selves and share ideas.”

Thank you for engaging with us on this platform. We look forward to learning more about how we can use the tool to help all of you in the work you do.


Reminder: Chrome River Cut-Off Dates Are Near

Workday Expenses, a part of Finance Strategic Transformation, is replacing Chrome River in July. Please submit expense reports for pending T&E card transactions and reimbursements as soon as possible to avoid a backlog in the coming weeks.

The final cut-off dates for Chrome River are:

  • Thursday, June 9, 5:00 pm - deadline to place all intended FY22 T&E card transactions
  • Wednesday, June 15, 5:00 pm - all expense reports must be fully submitted and approved
  • Any T&E Card Transaction not submitted before the cutoff date of June 15 will be posted to the OTPS suspense account associated with the employee's organization. After Workday go live, schools/units will use Workday Accounting Adjustments and/or Accounting Journals to move those charges to the appropriate FDM values.

The final date to enter payment vouchers for non-employee reimbursements is Friday, June 17, 5:00 pm.

More information about Cutover can be found on the UVAFinance website.

Please contact with questions.

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