Monday, August 19, 2024

Alerts for Missing Roles

When Workday roles are empty, business processes stall.  To help avoid this, the Business Intelligence Team has initiated a series of alerts generated on Monday mornings.  The purpose of the alerts is to proactively inform cost center managers and senior finance department approvers where critical roles are unfilled (no need to run reports to discover the gaps).

Currently, alerts are sent when the following roles are empty (either unassigned or assigned to an unfilled position):
  • Senior Department Financial Approver
  • Cost Center Fiscal Specialist
  • P2P Approver
  • Expense Support Specialist
  • Cost Center Manager:  Senior Department Finance Approver will be alerted
  • Project Budget Specialist or Project Budget Manager
  • Unit Gift Manager
The alert messages, which list the cost centers that need to be addressed, will look like this: 
There are Cost Centers (noted below) in your unit which are missing one or more critical approval roles - CC Fiscal Specialist, P2P approver, Expense Support Specialist, or Senior Finance Dept Approver. This can cause delays in Business Processes approvals. Please have someone assigned to these roles ASAP.
You can drill into the Cost Center(s) listed below and go to the Roles tab to see the status of all roles related to this cost center. Alternatively, you can run the Workday report "Cost Center Role Assignments - Security".
If there are other roles which also need to be assigned, please correct those as well.

Roles should be requested through the System Access Requests app in Workday.
The team has similar alerts for Grant roles in progress; we'll post updates when those have been added.  If you have an idea for an alert or message in Workday that would be helpful, let us know at 

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