Monday, August 5, 2024

Optical Character Recognition for Invoice Processing

Nimbello, our OCR solution, is coming!

As you may know, the Procurement Team has been working to implement Nimbello, a technology solution for optical character recognition (OCR) to streamline invoice processing and better use the expertise of the Accounts Payable Team.  Go live for OCR has been slated for the week of August 19.  

What to Expect

  • There will be no impact on suppliers. 
  • The Accounts Payable Team will still be learning a new tool (we appreciate your patience!).  Because it's a tool that only Central Finance uses, there is nothing for our partners to learn in terms of the system.
  • You could see an increase in match exceptions due to the move to an automated tool.  Remember that departments are responsible for managing match exceptions.  Central Finance cannot approve or override those due to audit requirements.  
  • This will be a phased rollout, so it may take a little while to see widespread results.

Questions?  Contact the Accounts Payable Team at


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