Thursday, May 21, 2020

We want to help your school/unit with FST changes!

The purpose of the change management team is to help the UVA Community navigate the changes of FST as gracefully as possible. We have been working hard for months to share information, solicit feedback, and encourage participation with the project. We know that Phase 3, already a change-heavy part of the project, will require even more effort because of the circumstances we now find ourselves in globally and as a university, during the COVID-19 response. That's why we're reaching out today with an invitation to work closely with your schools and units as FST progresses because crazy times call for specialized measures!

While we can't do much about the unpredictable global situation we currently face, our team is ready and willing to partner with you to make the uncertainties of FST easier to handle. UVA won't be successful navigating change if we're applying a one-size-fits-all change strategy. I invite all of our schools and units to let us know how we can help you and your teams at a more granular level

  • How can we tailor resources to fit your needs?
  • What questions does your team need to be answered right now? What is most important to them?
  • How does your team like to be communicated with? How do they like to share feedback?
  • What channels of communication resonate with your area?
  • What concerns are top of mind for your colleagues?
  • Who from the project would you like to hear from?

None of us could've predicted that we'd be modifying our entire lives in response to the Coronavirus pandemic: working remotely, experiencing new social and family dynamics, strange new daily routines replacing familiar ones. While the changes just keep coming (new project timelines, development of scenarios and strategies responding to the crisis, adjusting to life without normal celebrations and rituals), the uncertainty of the future looms constantly. None of us know exactly what to expect, but we know we must brace for continued upheaval. 2020 is a crash-course in change at a breakneck pace, whether we like it or not.

In the coming weeks, we'll be expanding the resources offered in the Community and on the FST website, with the aim of providing tools and materials to address your needs. Our goal is to make at least one of the myriad changes you're facing a little easier to deal with. I hope we will hear from you on how we can shape and grow our outreach specifically tailored to your needs.

Please let us know how we can work more closely with your school and unit, and thank you in advance for your partnership. 


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