Wednesday, November 11, 2020

FST Update


Want to listen to this update instead of reading it?  Check out the latest WFST Broadcast!

Configuration and Prototype is here!

As of November 1, we’re officially into the Configuration
and Prototype phase of the project.  You
may hear folks refer to this as “Config and Prototype” or C&P.  Config and
Prototype is the first part of Phase 3 Implementation.  This is the phase where we move from theoretical design to concrete application. 

During this
phase, the project team is finalizing the first tenant build and testing it.  They're also planning Customer Confirmation Sessions that will enable key stakeholders to see how UVA business processes work in the system with our data. 

The first tenant build will have a subset of data and some processes available.  Later tenant builds will be more comprehensive.  Stakeholders invited to customer confirmation sessions will help confirm that the overall approach is on the right track. The people involved in these first Customer Confirmation Sessions will mostly be the same individuals who were involved in the architect sessions earlier this year. As we head into 2021, we’ll open it up more and more for other stakeholders to take a look.

Config and Prototype is really critical to ensure that we can get
feedback from UVA stakeholders on the system design before rigorous system
testing begins.  During the Customer
Confirmation sessions, participants will ask questions and suggest potential
help text and system notification for future users, and they’ll just generally
get to experience the look and feel of Workday Financials. While they’re doing that, the FST team will be listening hard, capturing recommended
changes and categorizing them so we can take action on them.  For more context on Config and Prototype, we
recommend you take a look at a post from Nicole Ferretti in the onlineCommunity.

Reminder: Check out the Info Station!

The Info Station on the FST website is a great resource if you find yourself wanting to get caught up on a particular
transformation topic.  The Info
station walks you through all the way you can get and stay up to speed.

In Other News

The Reporting and Analytics workstream
has been drafting initial report design documents for customer accounts, grants
management, and business assets.

The Technical Team is working on setting up
conversion mapping sessions, and scheduling additional sessions to address
questions around data scope and source systems. 
They’ve also completed loading gifts data into the first tenant build.

Besides configuration and prototype and all the work
the FST team will be doing between now and go-live in July of 2022, there’s
also a team in UVAFinance working on the Future Service Model. Read more about that effort here on the blog!


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