Wednesday, July 14, 2021

LSP Tip: Reminder to restart/shutdown to apply updates

Submitted by your friendly neighborhood LSP Team

As we continue to fine-tune our Windows update policies so that we follow the security standards set forth by ITS, we wanted to share a subtle change to update delivery that should make receiving and applying Windows updates much easier and convenient. 

Every 3rd Tuesday of each month (or your first login after that), Windows updates will run automatically in the background to apply required system updates/patches. This WILL NOT restart your machine and you will not be prompted when they are installed/installing. However, due to the nature of some updates, you may be prompted with a very subdued notification in your task tray. 

If you see the following notification, it means that you have an update that has been installed that requires a restart.

You could right-click the icon and restart, or you could shut down and restart normally (just make sure you choose "update and restart" or "update and shutdown").

Thank you for doing your part to make sure our systems remained patched and secure!


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