Sunday, April 24, 2022

FST Updates: April 26, 2022


Training Update

Training officially begins in May, but there are a few things you can do now to get started!  We've posted the calendars for instructor-led training that will be available in May and June to the FST portion of the UVAFinance website. Training will be role-based, and as roles are finalized, they will be assigned to you and you can choose training offerings that fit your schedule.  Since schedules fill up so quickly, you can go ahead and note the times of training you're likely to need.  Also, the web-based pre-requisite course "Introduction to Workday Financials" is available now in Workday Learning.  Just log in, search for the course title, and get a jump on your training!

Read the full training update on the blog.

More about Workday Security Roles

The FST Team is working with school and unit leaders to put the finishing touches on the mapping of roles from Oracle to Workday Financials, so you can expect to see some information coming out soon on that in your area.  While the nuances are being worked out, you can take a look at the "Day in the Life" Security Role Summaries to get an idea of how roles will function in Workday.

Read the full Security Role update in the blog.

FST Fridays 

Want a sneak-peek into Workday Financials before training starts? Check out the FST Friday sessions we’ve offered every Friday this April! You’re not too late to catch the last one this Friday, and we have all the previous session materials posted online, including recordings of the sessions, so if you missed something, or want to revisit something you saw, please visit this page: and click on "Join us for FST Fridays!"

Cutover Details 

The FST team is working hard with our partners across UVA to make sure everyone understands the key dates that will affect each area.  We’ve begun putting together a resource on the FST website that has cutover timelines and checklists to help you and your team get through cutover as smoothly as possible.  The timelines and checklists you see on the website for June give you a clearer idea of the last dates for transactions in the old system and the first dates that new systems will be available. Keep in mind we’ll be adding information to this site almost daily, and this isn’t the only way we’ll communicate about cutover.  

Read more about cutover on the blog.  

click the image for a larger view


Cutover Details Emerging as Workday Financial Launch Looms

Now that July 1 is really and truly on the horizon, we have several important deliverables coming around the bend. Besides training, one thing that people have naturally been very concerned about is cutover. 

By cutover, we mean when we turn OFF the old system and turn the new system ON. Not only are we talking about moving from one system to another, but we’re also factoring in the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of the next.  Obviously, there are lots of staff and faculty across UVA whose day-to-day operations will be impacted as we prepare to go live. 

The FST team is working hard with our partners across UVA to make sure everyone understands the key dates that will affect each area.  We’ve begun putting together a resource on the FST website that has cutover timelines and checklists to help you and your team get through cutover as smoothly as possible.

See the site here 

We’ll be working closely with business managers and finance folks across UVA on these dates, but those resources on the website will give you an idea of what has to be done. In general, May is a time of preparation for cutover events – it’s a time to think about the transactions behind activities you normally perform – like purchasing supplies, traveling and expensing, negotiating contracts, and more – and thinking about getting those things taken care of before the times of unavailability in June.

The timelines and checklists you see on the website for June give you a clearer idea of the last dates for transactions in the old system and the first dates that new systems will be available. Keep in mind we’ll be adding information to this site almost daily, and this isn’t the only way we’ll communicate about cutover.

We'll also take advantage of our Change Leader networks, direct emails to affected groups, and we’ll have discussions about it in groups like Fiscal Administrators meetings. There will be a lot of information about Cutover in the coming days!


Five Things to Know about FST: April 26, 2022


1.  Training calendars are here, and so is the pre-requisite to all other training See the calendars here and search Workday Learning for "Introduction to Workday Financials."

2. FST Fridays continue - did you miss any?  There's one left this week, and we have slides and recordings from all the others.  Visit this site and click "Join us for FST Fridays!"

3. Security Roles will be finalized soon!  Training for Workday Financials is role-based.  Check out this "Day in the Life" Security Role Summary resource as we wait for assignments.

4. Cutover details are emerging - check out our Cutover Resources site for the first wave of much more info to come.

5.  Workday Financials goes live on July 1, 2022! The UVAFinance team is ready to support you with training, office hours, and Finance Solution Center assistance.  We're getting close!  Let us know your questions by emailing 

Click the image for a larger view


Friday, April 22, 2022

ResearchUVA Powered by Huron is live!

Congrats to our friends in Sponsored Programs for a successful go-live of ResearchUVA Powered by Huron!  

The new system can be accessed at and all new proposals, new agreements, and new awards should be entered in ResearchUVA PBH starting today.

Since May 2021, the ResearchUVA PBH project team has been working hard to design and implement UVA’s new grants and agreements system. We realize the transition to a new system can be challenging and encourage the UVA Research Community to use the following resources: (Note: It is important that any system errors be captured and reported. Please send these reports to the Helpdesk email address below.)

  • Project Website: Visit the project website to view readiness workshops, instructor-led training (ILT) sessions, and on-demand training videos. Prior communications, project overview information, and learning resources such as FAQs, user guides, job aids, and checklists are also posted on the website.
  • Helpdesk Support: Reach out to to have your questions answered by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) support team.
  • Virtual Office Hours: Attend virtual office hours to get your specific questions answered by representatives from OSP and the Core Team. Office hours will be held daily from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm for the next two weeks. Use this Zoom link to access all office hour sessions.

As a reminder, today’s go-live is a soft launch for all new proposals, new agreements, and new awards. Legacy ResearchUVA should be used for modifications to existing proposals, agreements, and awards. This prior communication outlines more soft launch details. We will send additional information regarding full migration to RUVA PBH soon.

Thank you to all of those who have dedicated their time and effort to helping UVA achieve this exciting milestone.

For more information, please visit the project website or email us at


Get a Sneak Peek at Workday Financials During FST Fridays

If you want to attend an FST Friday session, it's not too late. There is still one more happening on Friday, 4/29, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. This session will go over changes to procurement experiences, procurement role overviews, and there will be a demo of procurement transactions in Workday. 

For information on joining this session, please visit the FST website and click "Join us for FST Fridays in April!" 

If you don't have time to attend a session live, don't worry. All session recordings and slides will be available on the FST website, in the same place mentioned regarding joining a session. 

Thank you to all who have participated in the sessions! We appreciate your participation and your feedback.


Change Readiness Assessment #5: The last one before go-live!

The FST Change Management Team has tracked change readiness throughout the project using several assessments. Now, with go-live only a few months away, the Team is preparing for the fifth and final round of change readiness assessment. 

The first three assessments were done via surveys distributed to stakeholders across the University. The fourth and most recent round of assessment was a little different: feedback was gathered through readiness dashboards filled in by Advisory Group Change Leaders and from Focus Group participants. 

In the final round of readiness assessment, the Change Management Team is utilizing both a survey (to be released at the beginning of May) and feedback gathered from the readiness dashboards, UER sessions, and FST Fridays. Insight gathered from these numerous methods will inform the FST Project Team of the support needed before, during, and after go-live. 

You can find more information on the fifth round of change readiness assessment here


A New User Success Agent Joins the Team

To complement training and further ensure a smooth July 1 go-live, the Finance Solution Center continues to develop and prepare. The Center serves as the first human point of contact for most support requests, and another talented new User Success Agent has joined the team.

Rasha Ahmad

Rasha Ahmad was previously a freelance accountant assistant. Her freelance work offered her the flexibility to take care of her young son. At UVAFinance, she is a User Success Agent associate ready to help customers solve their finance-related questions and redirect them to the right path whenever needed.

She foresees her biggest challenge to be getting more comfortable with using Salesforce but that isn't stopping her from preparing for the July 1 go-live with Workday Financials.

"With the Workday Financial Launch we would be at the forefront of support for users," she says. "My team and I are getting trained and prepared for it."

Already, she reports that the team environment has been the best part of the job so far, "I thoroughly enjoy working with my team, they have been supportive and we all work collaboratively for successful outcomes. My team is very vibrant, supportive, and diverse."

Outside of work, Ahmad loves hiking in the Shenandoah National Park area.


Meet the rest of our fantastic User Success Agents!


Thursday, April 21, 2022

LSP Tip: Turn off TEAMS Auto-Scheduling for Calendar Invites

We've heard from a few of you asking how to disable TEAMS from auto-scheduling when you send a calendar invite. It can create confusion if your invite was intended for an in-person or Zoom meeting instead.

Here is where to uncheck it in the Outlook desktop client:

Here is where to uncheck it in OWA (Outlook Online):

NOTE- OWA allows you to automatically configure Zoom for invites should you choose to leave it checked.

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