Friday, June 2, 2023

Temporary Rollback of Two-Approver Expense Report Change

As you may know, we changed the expense report approval routing on May 22 to require two unique approval steps. This involved adding alternate routing to Cost Center managers, Senior Department Finance Approvers’ supervisors, and others not previously required to approve expense reports.

While we completed significant testing of multiple scenarios before moving forward with these changes, we have received feedback that the Cost Center manager step, specifically, was causing concern as ALL approvers in that role were being required to approve, which created a domino effect and did not allow those same approvers to approve at P2P, Senior Department Finance Approver, or other steps. We are working to redesign this process to better align with UVA policy, but it will take some time.

We have decided to roll back this change entirely for now. Expense reports will route as they did before the May 22 change. After fiscal year-end, we will reevaluate and work on a better business process to meet our internal controls requirement of two unique approval steps and make things as simple for our end users as possible.

We apologize for the confusion this has caused over the past two weeks and hope this reversion to the original business process will help.

A couple of items to note:

  • Expense reports already in process will follow the business process in place at the time reports were submitted, so you may still see extra approvers until all reports submitted since May 22 work themselves through the system.
  • We would still like for you to review your roles to ensure different people are in each role so when a new change is implemented later this summer, there will be two unique approvers without having to route for alternate approval.

Please email with any questions.


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