Monday, August 21, 2023

UVAFinance Facilitates Provost Office IRA Retreat


Earlier this month, Angela Knobloch - senior director of Change Enablement/Continuous Improvement at UVAFinance - facilitated the  Institutional Research & Analytics' (IRA) annual planning session.  IRA reports to the Office of the Provost.

Hosted at the UVA Darden Kimpton Hotel, Knobloch led various events throughout the day to get the team to reflect on the past year and look forward to future goals. The team centralized their focus on data across their core service areas: What is data literacy? How can we build data literacy programs? How are data connected?

The team recognized that data literacy is critical for the university's future and the importance of change enablement for our varied data users across our UVA community.  Knobloch introduced activities that made the team consider opportunities, challenges, and dependencies for such potential programs. 

By the end of the day, everyone left with a sense of accomplishment and motivation going into the start of the academic year. One team member remarked: "I see a lot of commitment around this table, and it feels good." 

UVAFinance's collaboration with the Office of the Provost for this retreat emphasizes the benefits of the university's commitment to collaborative excellence. We are excited to see what is to come in the future. 


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