Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Attention Amazon Shoppers: Guidance on Questions

Amazon Questions?

It's been three months since the Central Amazon Business Account launch at UVA.  Thank you to everyone who has jumped in and used the account for their non-contract items!

In the time since launch, we've noticed some common questions from our users that we're sharing here for everyone's benefit: 

  • How do I access the centralized Amazon account?  Jessica Lenore will be happy to assist with access-related issues.  Contact her via, or visit this Amazon link to send a request to the centralized account.
  • What if I have a question about shipping, delivery, returns, refunds, or an error message from Amazon?  In these cases, contact Amazon's customer service, using the links on the bottom of the page ("Let Us Help You").
  • What if I'm not sure who should handle my inquiry?  Reach out to Jessica Lenore via and she'll direct you!

We'll be hosting another Amazon buyer training soon. Watch this space for more details!



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