Thursday, July 18, 2024

Need a New Passport?

Need a new passport?  Take care of it at the Expo!

Hopefully, you've already RSVP'd for the 2024 T&E Expo (if  not, go do it now!)  It's going to be a great time, with dozens of exhibits, giveaways, prizes, and snacks.  

But there's more!

Besides workshops on TravelUVA, Expense Reports for Travel, and Travel & Expense Trivia, the team is also offering RealID services as well as Passport Processing.  

If you need a new passport (not a renewal), you can take advantage of the services available at the Expo.  Check out the signup online for more information and to grab a slot.   (RealID and Passport signup links are also available on the RSVP form for the Expo.)


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