Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Account Certification Listening Tour

The Listening Tour is in full swing!

In our ongoing effort to improve the Account Certification process, the UVAFinance Team has embarked on a “listening tour” to meet with finance partners across the University’s schools and units. We are committed to gathering feedback directly from the people who interact with this process daily, ensuring that any updates or revisions meet the needs of our diverse community.

So far, we’ve had the opportunity to visit 27 schools and units, and we’re not done yet! Through these conversations, we aim to better understand the challenges and opportunities you face with Account Certification. Your insights will play a crucial role in shaping the future of this function as we strive to create a more effective and user-friendly process.

We will be scheduling additional visits in the coming weeks and look forward to hearing from more of you. Together, we can arrive at the best solution possible, ensuring the process supports everyone’s needs.
Thank you for your engagement and continued partnership as we work to enhance the Account Certification process.


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