Contributed by Meredith Dixon
By now you’ve heard about the new UVAFinance website that is being developed, moving us towards a long-hoped-for goal.
The Past Process
Even though we are all UVAFinance, our information has been spread across many different websites, making it difficult for our customers (UVA employees - including our UVAFinance colleagues, suppliers, students, etc) to find the information that they need. Sometimes there is important information that needs to be seen, but it’s posted on a page that isn’t frequently visited, so a lot of people are missing out. And sometimes our work crosses into other areas that are not technically UVAFinance, which makes it even more complicated.
The Process Improvement
We have used a different structure in the new site than before: one that is designed to help guide our customers to what they need. Rather than long pages of text, users will find that if there is a process to be followed, it will be in a process page, even if that process crosses areas or goes outside what we consider to be Finance. The people who can help the user, even if they cross areas, will be displayed in the context of the information, rather than having to look through entire listings of people, hoping to find a name. And important news can be right on the front of the UVAFinance page, and we all only need to look in one place to find it! (Don’t forget that this also means we don’t have to remember where in the world we saw that important news, weeks after we read it - we’ll know where to go if we need to revisit it.)
The end result will be a site that will help all of us and our customers. We’ll be able to easily access what we need to know about UVAFinance and get important information to our end users, and our customers will be able to find what they need to know (and what we need them to know!) quickly.
You can reach the Continuous Improvement Team here:
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