UVAFinance has participated in social media with a Twitter account and has just recently expanded our reach by launching a LinkedIn page. We invite you to access the page here and click on "follow" to keep up with what we are sharing with stakeholders. Even better, we invite you to share the page with your networks encouraging others to follow along. We aim to utilize online partnerships to grow followers and connect us with potential new team members as well as educate stakeholders on our work.
Create awareness
LinkedIn reports that more than two professionals sign-up on LinkedIn every second. This provides us the opportunity to network with an increasing number of interesting contacts, specifically job candidates. Using features on the platform, improve our visibility and demonstrate how dynamic and interesting our work is and how it benefits the university community.
Thought leadership and influencing
Providing regular content on LinkedIn can further position UVAFinance as a trusted resource. We plan on providing high-quality content that will be of interest to those in the UVA community as well as in higher education and financial networks. We will feature UVAFinance experts, Change Management best practices, Q&As with staff, and any other content that highlights our team as trusted advisors.
Connecting with Stakeholders
LinkedIn is useful for engaging with stakeholders and ensuring we are tailoring content to address concerns and interests. Additionally, we can interact with partners and start online conversations helpful to building our network and opportunities for engagement.
How You Can Participate
- Click here and follow us!
- From your LinkedIn account, click "create new post" and share this link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/uvafinance1. Add a short narrative, "Please follow UVAFinance to get the latest on our support for the University, our Finance Strategic Transformation project, and how we are growing our team."
- As you see UVAFinance posts of interest, share them with your network. We hope to expand our reach and your help is integral.
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