Contributed by Mark Anderson
The Reporting & Analytics workstream has been working hard to get necessary reporting functionalities ready for go-live.
On the Workday front, we have developed well over 200 custom reports. We will address another 75 reporting user stories before July 1st. These numbers will continue to fluctuate as we get feedback from E2E and UER testing.
Over the past few months, we have been sharing reports and getting feedback from a small group of users from schools and units. As a result of this group’s engagement, we recently communicated that we would augment Workday’s native reporting with a number of UBI applications/reports. This decision was made after carefully considering users’ need for more flexibility and self-service customization of reports than we can support in Workday itself. By utilizing a suite of solutions leveraging Workday, Adaptive, and UBI, different reporting capabilities will provide various tools for you depending on your needs.
Here’s a brief look at reporting capabilities for each system:
When users manage business processes in Workday, it will make sense to utilize the reports within that system. The Workday reports are often integrated into those business processes and allow users to “drill-through” into the associated transaction and supporting details.
For managerial reporting like budget-to-actuals variance and trending over time, Adaptive might be your tool of choice. We can build summarized views of our budgets and actuals with powerful drilling options. Analytics requiring slicing and dicing the data by the various FDM worktag combinations, UBI will provide you the most flexibility. The first UBI app for analyzing Journal Lines is in development now.
For analytics requiring slicing and dicing the data by the various FDM worktag combinations, UBI will provide you the most flexibility. The first UBI app for analyzing Journal Lines is in development now. Today, most finance users are familiar with UBI Reporting (aka Qlikview); our future UBI finance tools will use UBI Analytics (aka Qlik Sense). The underlying functionality is very similar; however, with UBI Analytics creating and sharing My Sheets is much easier once you get the hang of it. If you want to get a taste of UBI Analytics and FDM, take a look at the UVAFST FDM Mapping Tool located on the UBI User Hub. UBI Analytics training is available in the Workday Learning Center as well.
Our data warehouse team is busy developing and testing their Workday extracts that are going into the enterprise data warehouse (EDW). EDW will serve as the central delivery point to provide data for UBI and data warehouses in the School of Medicine, Facilities, the Law School, and others across the enterprise.
With all these tools available, you may be wondering how you’ll find what you need. We have a small group of users providing input and partnering with the HCM People Analytics Team to prototype a Fiscal Administrator dashboard for reports/charts, actions/tasks, and links to commonly used reports as well as informational resources outside of Workday. This will serve as a landing page in Workday to bring most things you need into a single location. We’ll have more to share on this soon, and if the approach works, we can build the same for other user populations.
Also, don’t forget about the newly launched UVA Business Terms. This is our new business glossary where you can find (and request) definitions for all the new Workday finance terms you’ve been hearing.
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