Sunday, October 30, 2022

UVAFinance in Action: November 1, 2022

  • Melody Bianchetto and Mark Cartwright presented on Mentoring & Diversity at EACUBO in New York from October 30-November 2.
  • Brandi Van Ormer and Deloitte partner Love Anderson presented on Transforming Culture through Stakeholder Engagement at the 2022 CUPA-HR Annual Conference & Expo in Sandiego this October.
  • Mark Cartwright and Zachary Jackson presented on Supplier Diversity & Local Procurement: Inclusive, Local Procurement for the Common Good at the Fall 2022 Annual NAEP District II meeting in Ocean City, Maryland.
  • UVAFinance was well-represented at SWaMFest in Richmond this October, making valuable business connections for UVA; see our wonderful group below. 

Members of Procurement at SWaMFest 2022


Friday, October 28, 2022

Don't Forget to Vote November 8

November 8 is Election Day and it's a holiday for UVA employees.  Don't forget to exercise your right to vote!  


Office Hours Turns into Time with a Trainer

Since July 11th we’ve had ~3000 attendees participate in open office hours! As people are beginning to feel more confident and many questions have been addressed attendance has significantly decreased.

To continue to support our stakeholders as we go through this learning journey, instead of open office hours, we will be offering individual 1:1 time with UVAFinance training team members in November and December for assistance with specific questions.

To schedule a meeting, visit the Workday Finance Training page and click on the link that corresponds with the functional area and follow the instructions to schedule the meeting. You will receive an email confirmation immediately. Be sure to click on the button (in the confirmation email) to add the meeting to your calendar.

We look forward to continuing to support you!


Reporting & Analytics Release Notes: October 28

Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for October 28th. This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released from October 11th to October 28th as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.

Reporting FAQ 

Our Reporting User Group recently completed a Reporting FAQ called "A Day in the Life of A Fiscal Administrator" to help you find recommended reports for common tasks and data needs. We have also worked to reduce the number of reports on the "Fiscal Administrator Spotlight Reports" from over 100 reports to just 36 targeted reports. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can always use the various functional spotlight reports - just search "Spotlight" in the Workday search bar. 

Visit all the Reporting & Analytics webpage for more resources.

Research Administration Dashboard (RAD) 2.0

In other exciting news, RAD 2.0 will be launched in UBI by the end of day on October 31st - just search the UBI Hub for "Workday RAD". The Workday RAD app in UBI is designed to provide a one-stop shop for your Grant and Post-Award financial needs.

A big shoutout to the primary developer, Brad Kurtz, on our Finance BI team and contributors Crystal Lamm, Jingyi Fan, Beth Beal, Lena DeLiso, Sherry Fitzgerald, Beth Grimm, Tara Herring, Helen Norfleet-Shiflett, Jennifer Horton, Carey Reinicke, Mandy Wyant, Amanda Doherty, Gina Corell and others for all their help and input.

RAD will continue to be refined and enhanced over the coming months - you can view the "About this App" sheet to see a list of known gaps and/or planned future enhancements.

Read all the release notes on the UVAFinance website.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

October Monthly Close Deadlines have been posted

Find important monthly close deadlines that impact your work on the UVAFinance website: 


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Five Finance Facts: October 20, 2022


1.  Remember your Workday resources: On the Workday Finance Training page, there are quick reference guides and demonstrations for transactions you need to do in Workday Financials.  Don't forget to use these resources and the WalkMe function within Workday itself.

2. New Reporting Resources:  The Reporting & Analytics team has built a "Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator FAQ" to list a few useful reports for everyday business transactions.

3. FY23 Budget Season kicks off on November 2.  Get into Adaptive Planning now and work on your budget!

4. The Finance Solution Center (Ask Finance Team) is working hard to answer your questions quickly and accurately, even as we all navigate a learning curve with our new systems and processes.  Read an update from team leader Joey Carls. 

5. Make changes to existing requisitions in Marketplace, not Workday Financials, to avoid lags in or failures in the purchasing process. 


FST Update: October 20, 2022


 No time to read right now?  Listen to this update on WFST Radio or check out 5 Finance Facts.

Don't forget:  So many helpful Workday Financials resources are available!

Just as a reminder, you can go to the Workday Finance Training page, and for every functional item you see there, there are quick reference guides on transactions you might do in that area, demonstrations of the transactions, and more.  Don’t forget about all those resources as you do your work!  And don’t forget that you can also access help with WalkMe, Workday’sdigital assistance feature that can be used right within the tool.

Behind the Scenes with the Ask Finance Team

The Ask Finance team is working hard to get the right answers as quickly as possible for our stakeholders.  But of course, they are learning just like everyone else is right now, so they are carrying a case backlog at this point, the majority of which are procurement-related cases.  Joey Carls, User Success Manager and fearless leader of the Finance Solution Center, has writtena really nice piece for the blog digest this week explaining how cases are being handled right now, plus some other practical info on how to flag their issue for a specific person on the team, what response times are looking like, and more.  

Reporting Resources Galore

Working with a group of fiscal administrators and business officers across Grounds, the Reporting & Analytics Team has produced a The Day in the Life FAQ document.  The goal was to provide you with a list of go-to reports selected by your peers for the most common scenarios. While we're still in stabilization, we've consolidated many reporting resources on this webpage, including the FAQ, links to training information, quick reference guides, and QRGs, and the reporting & analytics release notes, which are updated biweekly. 

Other Workday Financials Points of Interest

  • Delegation Routing Changes: As of this week, finance tasks that are
    delegated will no longer route to the manager for approval – instead, they’ll
    route to the senior department finance approver.  Read more on the blog.
  • Make Requisition Changes in Marketplace, not Workday:  When you create a requisition in the Marketplace, and it kicks it into Workday, you may
    find later that you need to edit that requisition.  The important distinction is that you need to
    do your editing of the requisition in the Marketplace, NOT in Workday – so if you
    need to add, change, or replace something, go to Marketplace to do that so
    there won’t be lags or failures in the purchasing process.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Updates from the UVAFinance Solution Center

 Contributed by Joey Carls

It has been six months since the launch of the UVAFinance Solution Center and we are excited to share that we have supported our community with over 17,000 cases. We appreciate the patience and grace you have given us during our early days and as we launched Workday Financials.

Here are a few highlights since the launch of Workday Financials:

  • In July and August, the solution center was handling an average of 840 cases per week. During the months of September and October, the average has fallen to 670 cases per week.
  • The average first-response time for new cases to AskFinance was approximately 42 hours in both July and August, improving to 9 hours in October. Relatedly, the team is now meeting their same-day response target 71% of the time, up from 51% in September and 31% in August.
  • Knowledge transfer continues between functional areas and the user success team resulting in a 3% increase in cases closed without escalation since July.
  • The average response time for escalated cases has improved significantly since launch with most cases now receiving a response from the functional team within 24 hours after escalation.
  • The majority of cases opened since launch have been related to payables (34%), expense (16%), and procurement (11%) with other areas of UVAFinance making up a smaller percentage of volume.

The Finance Solution Center also welcomed Ben Tolson to the User Success Team. Alongside Rasha Ahmad, Teri Bowen, and Dawn Wood, he will provide front-line support to our community and external partners.

As we have supported you these past months, we have encountered several questions that you may benefit from having answered. It is our hope that sharing this information with you will allow you to have an improved and expedient support experience with UVAFinance.

What happens after I send a case to AskFinance? 

Following the submission of a case to, you will be sent an automated message with your case number. You may respond to this email to follow up or provide additional details on your case so we encourage you to hold it until your case is resolved. The user success team will work with you to gather additional details and/or resolve your question or issue. Complex cases beyond their scope of knowledge will be escalated and you will be notified at that time. UVAFinance functional teams will see your case to resolution at which time your case will be closed generating a satisfaction survey.

How do I flag my issue for a specific person in UVAFinance?

If you have already contacted someone in UVAFinance about an issue you are experiencing and wish for your case to be directed to them, please note that in the body of your initial email to AskFinance. Please do not add individuals to the CC and BCC lines of your email, as this creates case duplication and ultimately slows our response times.

When can I expect a response from UVAFinance?

The user success team strives for a same-day response to inquiries received before 4pm, Monday-Friday, and aims to resolve or escalate cases within two business days. Case volume and complexity may create some variation in response times, particularly after a case is escalated. If you desire a status update, you may use the methods above to follow up.

How can I get my issue resolved or escalated more efficiently?

Part of the user success agent’s role is information collection and troubleshooting which at times may delay an expedient resolution. Providing as much detail as possible about the specific issue(s) you are experiencing, including the worktags you are using and any resources you have already referenced to aid you in the transaction, and attaching images or other pertinent documents will allow us to serve you more efficiently.

What is the best method to follow up or provide additional details on my support case?

You may follow up on your case via email or phone call. Email follow-ups should be sent in response to the autoreply generated when you submitted your case or the last related message from UVAFinance. Please note that if you have escalated the case, this message will be received by the current owner of your support case, not the user success agent who originally responded. Alternatively, you may call the solution center at 434-924-3400 to be connected with a user success agent, who can report on the case progress, gather any additional details from you, and handle appropriate follow-ups with the professional working on your case.

My case was closed by UVAFinance but I did not receive a response or the response I needed. How should I proceed?

If your case is closed unexpectedly or you received a solution that did not fully resolve your issue, please do not respond to the survey email. Rather, find the original autoreply for your case or the last related email you received and send a reply noting your concern with the case closure. Your case will reopen with the professional who closed the case.

How can I provide feedback on my experience?

Once your case is resolved, you will receive an email that includes a brief survey about your experience with the solution center. We strongly encourage you to complete this survey and urge you to share written comments regarding your experience. We welcome your acknowledgment of individuals just as much as we welcome your constructive criticism. You may also provide feedback by emailing Joey Carls, our User Success Manager at

In the weeks and months ahead, our team will continue working closely with functional leads on knowledge transfer and refinement of our service model. We are eager to improve and enhance your service experience moving forward.


Requisition Tip: Make Changes in Marketplace, not Workday

Here's a tip from the Procurement Team:  when you create a requisition in Marketplace, and it kicks it into Workday Financials, you may find later that you need to edit that requisition. 

The important distinction is that you need to do your editing of the requisition in marketplace, NOT in Workday – so if you need to add, change, or replace something, go to Marketplace to do that so there won’t be lags or failures in the purchasing process.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

UVAFinance in Action

Minh Nguyen

Senior Financial Analyst Minh Nguyen attended the Maximus Higher Education Annual Meeting this September in Colorado Springs.   The meeting is a great opportunity for professionals like Nguyen to network with others from top research universities such as Duke, Brown, and Washington in St. Louis and discuss topics related to Facilities & Administrative rates from federal compliance to best practices for preparing F&A proposals, and even provided information specific to F&A and Workday. 


Budget Kickoff November 2

The FY23 Budget Kickoff is scheduled for November 2, 2022, but don't wait until then to get into Adaptive and get started!

Training for Adaptive Planning 3.0 is available in Workday (online, on-demand) and can be accessed by anyone, although access to the tool itself is dependent on approval from your school or unit.  

For more Adaptive Planning Resources and training, visit the UVAFinance webpage. 


Did you know?  Adaptive Planning now publishes to Workday Financials automatically, every day at 6:45 pm (even over the weekend!)


Simulated Phishing Follow Up

Shared by Information Security

On September 20th, UVA Information Security sent a phishing simulation email to 11,739 faculty and staff members. The goal for this training exercise was to help our community better understand how to identify phishing messages by providing a hands-on simulation. 

The results? 

  • More than 85% of our faculty and staff members did not fall for the simulated phishing message, wisely ignoring and/or deleting it. 
  • More than 500 took the extra step of reporting the message to 
  • Over 10% of recipients clicked the link, close to 4% entered their credentials, and a few even replied to the sender.
  • In UVAFinance, 98.7% did not submit data (great job!)

Please note it only takes one person to expose sensitive information or provide entry into our systems.
To learn more about cybersecurity awareness, training, and education opportunities, visit the InfoSec website  


From Melody's Desk: CVC Campaign 2022

Dear UVAFinance Team,

I’m writing to follow up on the recent pan-University email from the 2022 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) Inaugural Honorary Chair, J.J. Davis, and co-chairs Kevin McDonald and Dave Martel.

The CVC offers the most significant opportunity for UVA faculty, staff, UVA Health team members, student groups, and others to come together as a community to support nonprofit and charitable organizations. For me personally, it is important to include local organizations such as The Haven (CVC Code 200114), a day shelter near the downtown mall that provides many resources to the homeless every day (hot breakfast, showers, laundry, computers, phones, storage bins, and mail services) with the ultimate goal of housing the homeless. There are 

over 80 local organizations that benefit from the CVC campaign and serve the residents of our region.

For a quarter century, UVA has led all state agencies in giving to the CVC and is actively involved with the localities and communities served by these organizations.

The Great and Good strategic plan asks us to be intentional in finding ways to be good neighbors to the communities of our region and in which we live and work. As a measure of our commitment to this idea, the Honorary Chair’s Challenge this year is to collectively raise $800,000 in support of participating nonprofits.

To participate in this year’s CVC, use the pledge form at If you have questions about the CVC, email

In addition, charitable donations that you have made already this year (and through December 31st) directly to CVC-approved charities can be counted in UVA’s CVC participation, with the proper documentation. Here’s the Direct Giving form that you can use if you wish to submit documentation for a gift made directly to any CVC-approved charity. You may have already made a contribution that can be counted in UVA’s CVC participation!

Thank you in advance for your consideration.



UVA Night Tour – Walk in the Dark Fall 2022

The UVA Security and General SafetyCommittee is soliciting suggestions for its upcoming Fall Night Tour to be held in November. 

Committee members walk areas around Grounds in darkness to assess physical safety conditions, particularly lighting, pathways, crosswalks, infrastructure hazards, and emergency phones. 

To suggest places or issues for the committee to examine, please fill out this short survey. You can upload photographs, maps, or diagrams. 

Responses will be accepted through Oct. 23. If you have questions, please contact Tim Eckert, special
assistant to the chief of police and associate vice president of safety and security.


Delegation Updates

We would like to share important updates, reminders, and resources regarding the delegation process in Workday. Please review the details outlined below and share them with colleagues

  • Delegation Approval Routing Updates | When delegating finance tasks, this would initially route to your Manager for approval and then to the Senior Department Finance Approver if the delegation was over 21 days. Moving forward, all delegations with finance tasks will no longer route to the Manager for approval. Instead, it will always route to the Senior Department Finance Approver regardless of the delegation length.
  • Start On My Behalf vs Do Inbox Tasks On My Behalf | As a reminder, it is important to differentiate when to fill out the Start On My Behalf field vs Do Inbox Tasks On My Behalf section. 
    • If you are delegating the initiation of a task outside of your inbox such as Create Expense Report, select the task in the Start On My Behalf field. 
    • If you are an approver and want to delegate approving tasks from your inbox, select the task in the For Business Process field under the Do Inbox Tasks On My Behalf section.
  • Delegation Resources & Support | Office Hours for General FIN Workday are available throughout October that highlight delegation updates & reminders. The UVAFinance Training page offers step-by-step guides and best practices such as the Delegation Best Practices & Delegate Workday Transactions QRG.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Reporting FAQ: Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator

As we move through stabilization, we've pulled the Reporting & Analytics information together so you can access it from one page.  

View Reporting Resources for a quick link to the latest reporting & analytics release notes, Reporting Training for Workday Financials, and other resources. 

The Reporting Resources page also includes a link to the Reporting & Analytics Team's newest offering, an FAQ document called "Day in the Life of a Fiscal Administrator" .

This resource matches a couple of reports up with the most frequent daily questions that fiscal administrators and business officers need to address. 


Clara Tang Talks us through ARMICS & Internal Controls


Senior Compliance Analyst Clara Tang shared some of her time this month to talk with us about something that is important not only to her work but to all of us at UVA:  internal controls.

Get the key points of our conversation below, and/or listen in to her talk it through* in the link above.

What is ARMICS?

ARMICS stands for Agency Risk Management and Internal Controls Standards, and this is a requirement for every state agency within the Commonwealth of Virginia.  The AVP of Finance and the President of the University must sign off on ARMICs.  As a part of ARMICS, we must certify our internal controls procedures once per year, and the survey we do as part of that is how many people across Grounds will encounter our work.

What are Internal Controls?

Robust internal controls are a system that reduces risk and strengthens efficiency and effectiveness.  Internal controls are kind of like an immune system --they keep us from catching some bad germs, but they also fight the germs we do happen to catch. Internal control can be preventive and detective. And nowadays, internal controls are always integrated into the business process and owned by the business process owners as well. With strong internal control, we can prevent things from going wrong or catch things after they have happened.  It's not meant to be a punitive thing, but rather a way of continuously improving. 

How do you interact with folks across Grounds?

We review processes in a multitude of functions, so we work with a lot of people.   We want to work with teams across Grounds and improve their internal controls so mistakes won't impact their teams and the University.  Reach out to us - we can help by reviewing business processes and identifying ways to do things differently so mistakes won't be made or will be caught earlier.  Internal control always includes a cost/benefit analysis; its implementation should decrease mistakes and rework and improve efficiency.

* Clara notes that her bank account example is a preventive control, not a detective control, as stated in the interview.

Workday Financials Adoption Assessment

User adoption is a significant part of a successful Workday
Financials deployment. With this in mind, the FST change management team recently compiled an adoption assessment to examine user adoption. This assessment gathered information on stakeholders' current comfort with the new system and also  considered the required next steps to
help people feel more comfortable.

For the assessment, the team gathered data from numerous sources, including office hours, focus groups, school and unit leader input, workday reports, communication metrics (e.g. blog and website views), Salesforce Data, and user interactions with the WalkMe app. 

Feedback from these sources revealed some strengths of the project's work, such as the exposure to Workday before launch via roadshows, the training tenant, and User Experience Review sessions. As expected, the team also learned some challenges users face and identified some next steps to overcome those challenges. The team grouped the challenges into four categories: communication, learning materials, engagement opportunities, and system navigation and usability. 


  • Communication on significant changes to business processes is preferred over regular maintenance updates
  • Transparent communications on challenges faced by end-users 
  • More communication from school and unit leadership on collaboration opportunities
Learning Materials
  • Continue to provide a variety of resources
  • Continuous improvement of materials will help expand foundational knowledge of Workday
  • Some materials will require more detail on completing complex transactions
Engagement Opportunities
  • Overall, engagement opportunities have raised awareness of system enhancements and available support, but the FST team should further socialize opportunities
  • Additional opportunities to engage with functional leads, trainers, and FST leadership
System Navigation & Usability
  • Limitations in the system's usability due to conversion issues and processing backlog needs addressing
  • Current system inconsistencies require increased support from the FST team

For more information on the adoption assessment, head here

If you have questions about Workday Financials, don't forget the many resources available, including office hours,, training, and Workday Digital Assist (WalkMe)


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Five Finance Facts: October 6, 2022


Time crunched?  Us, too.  Here are just Five Things to Know About Finance this week.

1.  Yes, the FST project is in the "stabilization" phase, but that doesn't mean we're lessening the availability of support.  The Team will continue to host office hours, work intensively on unresolved issues, and provide a high level of user assistance.
2. October Office hours are available, and if you're not sure which ones to attend, use our handy cheat sheet to pick the right sessions. 
3.  Take full advantage of the WalkMe tool inside of Workday Financials.  It provides guidance, walk-throughs, and links to our quick reference guides (all designed by our trainers).
4.  Self-paced courses are great refreshers for Workday Financials users.  Find links to these along with relevant quick reference guides, course slides, and demonstrations on our Workday Finance Training page. 
5. The Reporting & Analytics Team's latest release notes are available -- lots of report enhancements, corrections, and even new reports!


FST Update: October 6, 2022


No time to read right now?  Listen to this update on WFST Radio

or check out 5 Finance Facts.

Ongoing Support During Project Stabilization

Even though FST is heading into the “stabilization”
phase and out of hypercare, this doesn’t mean that UVAFinance and the FST Team won’t
continue support efforts like office hours, committing extra hands and minds to
the issues that still need to be sorted out in workstreams like spend, and prioritizing,
tracking, and reporting out on the progress made on outstanding deliverables.  Read a message about stabilization from Melody Bianchetto.

Office Hours for October Plus a Handy Cheat Sheet

See the October Office Hours Schedule here.  We also posted
a new resource that walks through common questions and areas of trouble that users have and
matches those up to the right office hours sessions you should go to for help. View the "Cheat Sheet."

Training Resources for Workday Financials

Users should also keep in
mind that even though instructor-led training is no longer available, there are
still lots of ways for you to get the help you need.  In addition to Office Hours, there are self-paced
courses available, as well as quick reference guides, listed by topic on the Workday Financials Training page.   The self-paced courses are a good way to refresh yourself.  Read more about the courses we recommend. 

Do you use WalkMe?  You should!

WalkMe is the
digital assistance feature offered within Workday itself. When you use
WalkMe, you’ll have access to a “need help” menu, as well as embedded links to
the quick reference guides, and also popup instructions that walk users through
business processes in real-time, while you’re working in the system.  WalkMe also incorporates buttons that launch other helpful content like smart
walkthrus of the task or transaction, and tooltips that help users understand
fields and steps in a business process. Learn more about WalkMe and make sure you have the extension installed.

Latest Release Notes from Reporting & Analytics Team

Highlights of the enhancements the team shared include corrections to Award/Grant Budget Vs. Actuals and enhancements to the Spend Detail Report, Details for Account Certification, the Find Supplier Invoice Report, and more.  The team also added two new reports: Find Credit Card Transactions with Worktags, and Credit Card Transactions not expensed or approved.   Get all the reporting & analytics updates here. 


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for October 10th

This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released from September 9th to October 10th as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.

Our Reporting User Group is currently working on a Day in the Life FAQ on reporting. This guide will match up 1-2 reports with the most frequent daily questions that fiscal administrators and business officers need to address. Our goal is to provide you with a slimmed-down digest of go-to reports selected by your peers. Target release in October.

Read the full release notes after the jump, or on the UVAFinance website

General Note on Obligations reporting in Fund Balance or Budget vs Actuals reports:

The default Ending Budget Date prompt is set to 6/30/23 however this will include the final FY payroll for 12-month Faculty that is deferred until July of the new fiscal year.  You can set the Ending Budget Date to 6/22/23 to prevent this.  We are looking into options for other ways to account for this, but that is the current solution.

Adaptive Planning Release Notes delivered from the Office of Planning and Analysis.


Significant Enhancements to Workday Reports:

  • Award/Grant Budget Vs. Actuals
    • Corrected error where Cancelled/Denied Budget Amendments were being included
    • Corrected error where Life to Date expenses only included the R&V company
  • Spend Detail Report
    • Added Grand Total row to report
  • Details for Account Certification
    • Vendor/Payee now includes Supplier, ISD, or CC Merchant
    • Transaction Info is a concatenation of Header Memo/Line Memo/Invoice Line Item Description
    • Added columns for Ship-Address, Requested By, and PO Memo
    • Changed Default Period to last Closed Period
    • Added Function worktag
  • Expendable Fund Balance Report
    • Corrected error in the Obligations Budget Date filter
  • Find Supplier Invoice
    • Added Match Status field to Prompt Set and report layout
    • Added Memo field
  • Supplier Contract Details Report
    • Added Grant ID field to Prompt Set and report layout
  • Payroll Journal Line Detail Report
    • Added Worker's Manager field to the report
  • Numerous additional enhancements and defect resolutions

New Reports added to Workday:

  • Find Credit Card Transactions - With Worktags
  • Credit Card Transactions Not Expensed or Approved

Known Reporting Issues in Workday currently under review or items of interest in Development:

  • Fund Balance roll-forward has not been done so FY23 Fund Balances in Workday do not reflect the Fund Balance Realignment activity from July and August.  Target completion in October.
  • Fund Balance with FDM - Similar to Fund Balance by Cost Center but with these worktags (CC, GF, DN, PR, AC, PJ, AS)
  • Spend Detail Report - add Hotel name from Expense Report into the Vendor/Payee field


Enhancements to UBI Reports:

  • Workday Journal Lines  (note that not all added fields may be in the report but are available for filtering and My Sheets)
    • Added Budget Date to the Details Report
    • Added Purpose Code for Awards
    • Added ISD details
  • Workday FDM Reference
    • Filtered out Inactive Worktags
    • Added SIS Allowed Flag to the Gift worktag
    • Added Purpose Code for Awards
    • Added missing levels to the Project worktag sheet
    • Fixed linkage between Awards and Grants
  • Workday Budget vs Actuals
    • Added additional views
  • Workday Payroll Costing
    • Added Employee's Primary Cost Center and Supervisor fields to the table
    • Added a tab with Institutional Base Salary (IBS)

 New Apps/Reports added to UBI:

  • None this month

Items in UBI currently under review or development:

  • Workday Journal Lines
    • Allow filtering on NULL Worktags
    • Include student name on supplier invoice payments to students
    • Position missing on payroll transactions
    • Pay Period information not available on payroll transaction
  • Workday Fund Balance (NEW)
    • In QA - Target Release after year fund roll-forward is complete in WD
  • Workday Delegations (NEW)
    • In QA - Target Release in October
  • Workday Research Administration 2.0 (NEW)
    • In Design/Build with target release end of October
  • Workday Status of Account Certifications (NEW)
    • Enhanced filtering and reporting on Account Certification Statuses
    • In Design/Build with target release end of October


Important note regarding EDW/UBI reload schedule

  • The Date Warehouse (EDW) and UBI are currently scheduled to reload Sunday – Thursday nights with data extracts from Workday starting at 9 PM.  This timing is driven by maintenance and backup schedules for Workday and our data center.

UVAFinance in Action

Augie Maurelli, Clara Tang, and Christine Kennedy-Tyburski presented on UVA Internal Controls at the CUAV (College and University Auditors Virginia) conference on Monday, October 3rd. Auditors across the Commonwealth attended this annual conference, hosted this year by UVA Internal Audit, and held in Charlottesville. Topics discussed included Internal Controls framework at UVA, Workday Finance and workflow controls enhancements, Financial Attestation for Internal Controls, and ARMICS.


Policy Review in UVAFinance

UVAFinance's Senior Financial Controls Coordinator Christine Kennedy-Tyburski is working with UVAFinance departments on an important but often-overlooked task:  Policy Review.

Accurate policies are always a priority, but this year it will be especially critical to make sure their language and definitions align with Workday Financials and other FST-related improvements.  

Areas are reviewing their policies to find those that should be retired, those that require minor changes, and those that require significant changes.  Eleven finance policies were prioritized for revision and approved by the Policy Review Committee prior to Workday Financials' Go Live.

Review feedback will be gathered and compiled by October 15, after which we'll embark on a work plan for a regular three-year review cycle.  Thank you to everyone who is reviewing!


Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign kicks off giving season

The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) is one of the most significant opportunities for UVA employees to support the nonprofit and charitable organizations that serve our community. 

The CVC helps support hundreds of worthwhile organizations across the commonwealth, including over 80 in our local region. These organizations provide critical services for our neighbors, including food, health care, education, programs for youth, crisis support, and housing assistance.

Through the CVC we have the opportunity to collectively make our community stronger and more vibrant, and to provide tangible support to those who need it most.

How to give through CVC:

  1. Follow this link to UVA’s CVC Pledge form.
  2. Choose to designate any amount to one or more of the 80 nonprofits right here in our own community or select from the hundreds of other participating nonprofits across the state.*
  3. You can choose to give via payroll deduction (the easiest way!) or via credit card (note: credit card fees are waived for CVC giving).

Those who gave last year will also receive an email with a summary of last year’s gift amount and charities selected. You will then have the option to repeat, increase or change your selection.

Please join us in contributing through this important effort.


Update on Adaptive Planning Security Requests

Since September 30, security requests for Adaptive have been processed through the systems access request worklet in Workday, using the same process as all other security requests.

Review the Workday System Access Request QRG here.

Note that users requesting an Adaptive security role will still be required to complete the Introduction to Budgeting at UVA learning program (Introduction to Budgeting at UVA and Introduction to Workday Financials.

Related Content:  Best practices for role requests


Use WalkMe for help with Workday Financials

Workday Digital Assist (WalkMe) provides immediate guidance in the Workday System itself.  Users must install WalkMe in their broswer to be able to utilize the full functionality of the tool.  

If you see Need Help? in the top right when you're in Workday, you have the extension and you're good to go!  If not, click this link and you can get the extension:

WalkMe provides:

  • A Need Help Menu:  Menus on the Workday Homepage whener users can click on a topic (such as Expense) to find specific quick reference guide links (without having to visit the Workday Finance Training page)
  • WalkThrus: Popup instructions that guide users through business processes in real time
  • Launchers: Buttons that link to other help content like Smart Walk Thrus and QRGs directly in the task or transaction.
  • SmartTips:  Advanced tooltips that help users understand fields and steps in a business process.

Check out this helpful tool the next time you're in Workday!


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

From UVA Sustainability: Environmental Justice Book Talk & Lunch


Wednesday, October 12 from 11:30am-12:30pm
UVA Bookstore – Mezzanine Level

Must register here by Oct 7

Join the UVA Bookstore, UVA Sustainability, and UVA faculty for a lunch and book talk celebrating the publication of "Environmental Justice and Resiliency in an Age of Uncertainty.” The talk will include author and editor, Celeste Murphy Greene, plus co-authors, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Angela Orebaugh, discussing topics such as climate justice, health equity, smart cities, and the history and development of the environmental justice movement. Lunch from Mona Lisa will be provided to all attendees who register.



Wellness Resources: October 6, 2022

Mindfulness Class:  A Personal Approach to Boosting Your Health & Well-Being - 4-week class, starts Oct 11, advanced registration is required (limited space)

There’s still time to join the 1% Challenge and earn $50 in rewards!  Spend only 14 minutes a day for 25 days learning mindfulness skills to help you settle your mind, sharpen your focus, and enhance your quality of life. Throughout the challenge, you'll have the support of experienced teachers and online resources. 
 Join the challenge by October 7.

Other Classes

Sustaining Personal Resilience in Challenging Times
Oct 26, 3:30 PM
Presented by FEAP

Turn Your Savings into Retirement Income
Oct 12, 2 PM or 8 PM
Presented by Fidelity

Paying Yourself: Income Options in Retirement
Oct 20, 12 PM or 3 PM
Presented by TIAA


Help with Workday Financials

While instructor-led training for Workday Financials is no longer being offered, there are still lots of ways for you to learn more about the system and get the help you need.  

Self-Paced Courses  The self-paced courses below are recommended for employees looking for a refresher or to learn more about a particular topical area:​

Note that the courses above will not appear in your learning program; you must search for the course by title.

Quick Reference Guides  Quick Reference Guides are regularly updated with additional detail to instructions.

  • Some updates are based on end-user feedback, while others are the result of system updates​
  • Each QRG is labeled with the date on which it was last updated; please access QRGs directly from the training webpage and do not save them locally on your computer

Office Hours  Office Hours continue through October.  

Workday Digital Assist provides immediate guidance and in-system access to quick reference guides!  Read more here.


Office Hours Continue through October

Office Hours will continue this October; see the full schedule here.  You'll see a wealth of sessions on a variety of topics. 

Not sure which session will best address your questions?  Use the handy "cheat sheet" below!

  1. Questions about the account certification process, accounting journals, or accounting adjustments? Check out Accounting Office Hours.
  2. Questions about budget management or Adaptive? Check out Budget Office Hours.
  3. Questions about requesting new values, edits to existing values or the deactivation of existing values on FDM Worktags? Check out FDM Interim Process Office Hours.
  4. Questions about the new Workday R2 Release, Worktag use, security roles, approval routing, Workday policies, or notifications? Check out General FIN Workday Office Hours.
  5. Questions about funds available for PIs to view and Grants-related reports? Check out Grants Management Office Hours.
  6. Questions about costing allocations, accounting adjustments, or HCM subtasks? Check out Payroll Office Hours.
  7. Questions about which reports to run in order to complete a certain task or what dashboards are available in Workday? Check out Reports & Dashboards Office Hours. Have questions specific to UBI reports? Check out Reports (UBI Only) Office Hours.
  8. Questions about purchase requisitions, purchase orders, spend categories, expense reports, or supplier invoices? Check out Spend Office Hours.
  9. Questions about how to use the new Tuition and Fee Proposal Tool in Smartsheet? Check out Tuition and Fee Proposal Tool Office Hours.

Other opportunities for Workday Financials help.


From Melody's Desk: Ongoing Support During FST Stabilization

October 4, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

If you're involved in FST project Governance or you have been following project news closely in the UVAFinance blog, you may have heard that we'll be transitioning from the "hypercare" phase of the project into "stabilization" as we head into October. The stabilization phase, which will take us through 2022, is the final phase of FST before we transition to operational state. 

I wanted to take a moment to assure you that we absolutely realize that this phase of life after implementation requires a hearty level of assistance and that the transition in timelines doesn't imply a lessening of support from our fully-mobilized team and our Deloitte partners.

We're planning a full slate of office hours this October and will continue committing extra hands and minds to shrinking the Finance Solution Center queues and addressing the issues that are causing you the most stress (such as spend). We'll be tracking items in progress and sharing the latest updates on the FST News Ticker, found on the UVAFinance home page.

Thank you again for your candid feedback about how we can best support you and your team during the adoption process. I very much appreciate your partnership and commitment.


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