Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Business Process Documentation: Building Understanding & Confidence

Offered by Change Enablement/
Continuous Improvement

The Change Enablement & Continuous Improvement Team has launched a Business Process Documentation project to assist UVAFinance in developing a consistent workflow and enabling continuous improvement.   With the Finance Strategic Transformation project wrapping up in 2022, it is natural that the sweeping systemic changes would cause gaps in knowledge and documentation on daily work.  The process mapping effort, led by Derrick Carter and Dan Hoogenboom, aims to close these gaps and provide effective knowledge transfer. 

The benefits of improving and documenting work processes include:

  • Reduced time to completion of tasks and decision-making
  • Retention of knowledge gained through training
  • Reduction of waste (including time and effort), unnecessary workarounds, and frustration
  • Establishment of clear documentation for future team members
  • Improve performance and satisfaction
  • Meeting policy standards
  • Improved confidence in systemic processes (improved understanding of flow)

The collaborative services offered by Carter and Hoogenboom to UVAFinance include job shadowing, process review, identification of best practices, and more.  Interested?  Reach out to them via Ask Finance. 


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