Wednesday, May 22, 2024

UVAFinance in Action: May 23, 2023

Kristin Dinwiddie

Congratulations to UVAFinance's Kristin Dinwiddie, who was among the 2024 graduates walking the UVA lawn this past weekend. Kristin received her Masters's Degree in Public Safety. 

Well done, Kristin!

Mohammed Eitta and Jacob Mair

UVAFinance was well-represented at the Spring Focus Conference in Norfolk this week.  

Jacob Mair led a Financial Reporting Roundtable, covering general financial reporting questions including those regarding ARMICS, tuition waivers, creation of financial statements, and more.  

Mohammed Eitta shared best practices with peers at a Fixed Asserts Roundtable session, where they covered optimizing bulk purchases, managing equipment transfers, and the use of automated tools in fixed asset management. 

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