Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Reminder: Stay Aware of Year-End Close Deadlines

Bookmark the Year End Closing Webpage
As we move further into May, year-end close deadlines will continue to arise with increasing frequency as we head toward June.  Please stay aware of upcoming cutoff dates by reviewing UVAFinance's Year-End Closing Dates webpage

T&E Cards & Year End Close

While T&E Cards can be used all throughout the year-end close, Friday, June 14 is our recommended date by which to place all T&E Card transactions for FY24.  This date takes into account the time it takes for the transactions to feed/post to Bank of America.  We cannot guarantee all transactions will post and be fed to Workday in time to complete the expensing process.  There is also a possibility that some transactions made after June 14 will still post to FY24.

All expense reports for T&E Card transactions and reimbursements should be fully expensed and approved by June 21.


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