Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Professional Development Corner

contributed by Patty Marbury

As we approach the end of the calendar year (2024 is going by fast!), if you haven't yet used your centrally funded education benefit, make some plans to do so! Remember to discuss with your manager prior to applying for any funds. More information below!

Why is professional development important?

Check out this short blog post from Harvard on the importance of professional development.

Upcoming Offerings: 

Following are some offerings coming in October (it may not be too late to go, but be sure if you are requesting departmental funds to have them approved before making any arrangements).

National Conference on College Cost Accounting (NACCA)

Annual Conference - October 30-November 1: optional pre-conference workshop, October 29. This registration link provides more information and details, but feel free to email with any additional questions.

Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities





Association for Financial Professionals (AFP)

UVA's Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - current offerings.

UVA Human Resources has courses and programs coming up which may be of interest. 

For Leaders: Check out this article from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) on the Top 20 Leadership Challenges.


Education Benefit

You have all year to use your $2,000 of centrally-funded education benefit for professional development or $5,250 to use for tuition toward a degree-seeking program. See for more information. (To be eligible for this benefit, you must have had six months of service in a benefits-eligible position at UVA by the start date of the class, with the intent to remain on the active payroll during the entire term of the class.)

Professional Development Request Form

UVAFinance team members: we will not be using the Professional Development Request Form, except for requests that are made after the initial FY submissions. If you do need to submit a later request, use the Professional Development Request Form before you register for any program. Remember, not all professional development opportunities require submission of the form. If an opportunity is less than ½ day AND there is no cost associated with it, then do not submit a form. Many LinkedIn Learning courses and some courses offered by UVA Human Resources or other UVA departments meet these criteria. Otherwise, the form must be submitted. If unsure, feel free to ask!

If you have any questions, please reach out to


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