Monday, September 9, 2024

Solix to Replace Oracle as Repository for Historical Finance Info

Solix keeps our data more secure

In partnership with UVAFinance, OSP, and UVAHR, ITS is moving UVA's Oracle historical data over to a new structured data archive called Solix.  Solix is a more secure alternative to Oracle, as the current Oracle environment exposes our historical financial data to risk.  

Financial data and HR data in Oracle have not been updated since each area went live with Workday. Going forward, only a small number of central office users will have access to Oracle and subsequently, Solix.  If you need access to historical financial data that would've come from Oracle, contact UVAFinance via and the team will either get the data for you or, if it is a substantial need, they will escalate your request to the data stewards for review.

Note that this change applies to HR data and grants-related data as well.  For those data types, you can reach out directly to or  Don't worry about deciding which email to use, though -- just reach out to one of them and we'll make sure you get what you need!


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