Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nimbello OCR Implementation

OCR & Nimbello
Accounts Payable has recently introduced a new system of invoice organization with Nimbello, an OCR invoice processing AP Automation tool. The implementation has gone smoothly so far, and we wanted to share some information that you might find useful as we continue to work through the process. 

Before Nimbello, invoices were getting sent to vendor dashboards and a case was created in Salesforce immediately. Now, the biggest change will be that those invoices previously sent to vendors are going straight to Nimbello, without the automation of cases being created in Salesforce. This new processing system helps to clear up the number of backlogged cases within Salesforce. Additionally, this system negates the automatic messages to vendors previously being sent out of Salesforce due to the automation of cases. Nimbello should help invoices get processed more quickly, with a rough time frame estimate of 5-7 days after the system has been fully implemented in the coming weeks.

Because this implementation is still ongoing, the Accounts Payable team has been hard at work remedying the backlog of invoice cases that Salesforce had created before Nimbello. These cases had to be sent from Salesforce to Nimbello, and are now being processed through the new OCR system, so there have been a few delays in this process. The backlogged cases and net 15 payments are being addressed first so that any suppliers who are set up with those quicker payment terms have those deadlines met. Within the next couple of weeks, the team hopes to have remedied this backlog so that new invoices can be processed quickly. 

If you still wish to submit a case through Salesforce or have questions about cases that have been slowed down in the implementation process, please reach out to


Related Content: Optical Character Recognition for Invoice Processing


1 comment

  1. Nimbello OCR implementation helps streamline text recognition from images and documents with accuracy. For a flexible and efficient development environment to support such projects, vanillaOS offers a powerful and customizable platform.


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