Monday, September 9, 2024

Travel & Expense Purchase Justification Update

We've recently updated the Purchase Justification requirement for Travel & Expense.

Purchase Justification Updates

The 30-day Purchase Justification requirement has been removed from expense reports for T&E charges. 


    • After conducting a survey to a select group of fiscal admins to get their feedback, they concluded explanations in this field did not add value and that the requirement slowed down the creation of expense reports

What's Next?

    • The policy still remains to expense all charges within 30 days
    • Emails are being sent to cardholders with unexpected or unapproved transactions older than 30 days
      • This has already created a  62.3% decrease in aging transactions since March
    • The Senior Department Finance Approvers will receive a list each month of those who submitted expenses more than 30 days after purchase
    • Still expect to see Purchase Justification requirements for other policies like first-class airfare, air upgrades over $350, hotels over $600 per night, etc.
See Danae Polemi's Fiscal Administrator Meeting slides regarding this update.   As always, reach out to us via with questions or concerns. 



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