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Workday Financials Training: We’re about a year out from actual training. This time next year, the training team will begin to deliver training all across grounds in a variety of modalities. Right now, we’re getting close to delivering the training plan for the project, so you’ll soon start to hear more details about what we have in mind. The training team has been working hard within the project for quite a long time, getting ready to deliver training that will help our users feel confident about getting the most from Workday Financials right out of the gate.
Did you know? The FST Team is made up of 80 folks from UVA . . . and when you add our Governance groups, the number burgeons to 700+ ! See how it all shakes out on the blog.
Reporting & Analytics: How much do you know about the Data Warehouse? It's going to be important that we're on the same page as we move toward go-live. Read more here.
Adaptive Planning: The Adaptive team is continuing with its work on budget process redesign. They’re working with a larger group across Grounds to dig more deeply into Adaptive functionality, identifying how the new chart of accounts will apply to future state business processes, thinking about UFM adjustments, and more.
FDM (New Chart of Accounts): There are three simultaneous efforts occurring with the development of the FDM. First, they're mapping the top ten financial scenarios and processing them in the current Workday financials tenant. Second, they’re converting GL balances to the FDM structure, and third, they're closing outstanding operational decisions. See more details in the latest Governance slides (Online Community). Also, see our update on the blog about Preparing for Mapping.
Future State Service Model: FST isn't just a technology implementation! It's also about improving our processes and making it easier to do finance all across UVA. The Finance Engagement Team is using Salesforce to make the customer experience better in Finance. Check out this video from Andrew Sallans in which he explains how this works.