Workday Financials end-to-end testing is in full swing. The process involves replicating the full gamut of real-user scenarios and identifying any issues or bugs in the system. This all helps the team ensure data and process integrity before we go live. Each bug is assessed, and corrections are made for further testing.
In testing, the team has set goals for the testing scenarios they expect the system to pass, and the data below illustrates how those compare to the actual passed tests. are compared to the actual outcomes.
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Thus far, the testing is going smoothly - scenario pass rate is high and issues are being quickly identified and corrected. For more information on testing for specific functional areas and a more detailed report, visit the metrics posted Community Hub. Testing is continuous and integral to our implementation so we will be providing regular updates so you know what testing systems are finding and how we are solving each issue that arises well in advance of July 1.
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