Tuesday, June 18, 2024

2024 "Hoos Building Bridges" Award: Patrick Wood

At UVA, fostering collaboration and innovation is at the heart of the "Hoos Building Bridges" award. The award celebrates partnerships and projects among UVA team members, and praises the recipients for their leadership efforts in contributing to success and innovation across Grounds. The awards were established in 2019 by President Jim Ryan in his first Opening Convocation address. 

Congratulations, Patrick!
This year, Patrick Wood, a UVAFinance team member, was one of those awarded the "Hoos Building Bridges" accolade in recognition for his pivotal role in the "Hoos Making An Impact" initiative. 

"Hoos Making an Impact," co-founded by Wood alongside Adam Griggs in 2022, is an annual competition designed to harness innovative ideas from UVA's Academic Division staff. Wood's leadership has been instrumental in guiding this initiative, which encourages staff to propose solutions to enhance university processes and staff success. Wood's volunteered his time to collaborate with different offices, including the Offices of the President, COO, Provost, Sustainability, and Division for DEI, in creating and managing the entire process. 

Through Wood and Griggs' initiative, the competition has flourished, attracting numerous submissions and engaging departments across UVA. In the inaugural year, two proposals won: a Commute Club Incentive Program, promoting alternate forms of commuting, and a widespread implementation of DocuSign, making university processes more efficient and eco-friendly. At the close of the program's second year, two more proposals triumphed: one focusing on improving the retention of Professional Research staff, and one concerned with creating a mentorship program for Academic staff. 

Wood's efforts in "Hoos Making an Impact" highlight his dedication to bridging gaps between departments and fostering collaboration with university leadership. His navigation has not only addressed critical needs within UVA but has also strengthened community ties and promoted staff involvement in decision-making processes. 

Wood and his fellow recipients will be honored at the 2024 Hoos Building Bridges award ceremony on June 25th at the Rotunda.

Join us in congratulating Wood for his outstanding leadership and vision. Through his efforts, he embodies the spirit of "Hoos Building Bridges" and contributes to a more connected, resilient UVA community. 


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