Monday, June 24, 2024

Professional Development Corner

Contributed by Patty Marbury

Summer is here! I know many of us are very busy with fiscal year-end activities, but hopefully you can spend some time in July and August thinking about, planning, and/or participating in professional development!

Education Benefit

Each employee has all year to use their $2,000 of centrally-funded education benefit for professional development or $5,250 to use for tuition toward a degree-seeking program. To be eligible for this benefit, you must have had six months of service in a benefits-eligible position at UVA by the start date of the class, with the intent to remain on the active payroll during the entire term of the class.

See for more information.

Professional Development Request Form

UVAFinance team members – remember to use the Professional Development Request Form to submit your requests for training and professional development, before you register for any program. Remember that they go to your manager first for approval, and then to the Leadership Team for review at their weekly meetings, which are typically on Tuesday mornings. Therefore, be sure to submit requests as soon as possible.  Remember, not all professional development opportunities require submission of the form. If an opportunity is less than ½ day AND there is no cost associated with it, then do not submit a form. Many LinkedIn Learning courses and some courses offered by UVA Human Resources or other UVA departments meet these criteria. Otherwise, the form must be submitted.

Other Upcoming Offerings:

Upcoming NACUBO offerings:
Upcoming EACUBO offerings: 
Upcoming SACUBO offerings: 

UVA's Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion current offerings

UVA Human Resources has courses and programs coming up which may be of interest.

Other offerings: 
See a list of ongoing opportunities on the UVAFinance website.


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