Monday, June 17, 2024

UVAFinance Bids Farewell & Congratulates Bill Ashby on His New Position at UVA

Bill Ashby
In a recent statement on June 13, 2024, from Augie Maurelli, Vice President for Finance, it was announced that Bill Ashby, a valuable figure within the UVAFinance department as Associate Vice President for Financial Strategy, will be embarking on a new chapter at UVA. Effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, Ashby will be assuming his new role as the interim Senior Associate Dean for Strategy, Finance, and Planning in the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

This transition marks a significant milestone for both Ashby and UVAFinance as a whole. Having joined the department alongside Maurelli in 2019, Ashby played a pivotal role during a period of considerable challenge, including embarking on the FST project and implementing a new ERP system amidst a global pandemic.

As UVAFinance bids farewell to Ashby in his current capacity, the department also looks forward to the opportunity to assess its organizational needs and realign in response to internal and external changes. Maurelli noted that he plans to collaborate closely with the UVAFinance Leadership Team throughout the coming weeks in order to develop transition plans.

In celebrating Ashby's new appointment, UVAFinance extends its heartfelt gratitude for his significant contributions over the past five years. His institutional insight and leadership have left an indelible impression on the department. UVAFinance wishes Ashby every success in his new role and looks forward to continued collaboration in the future.


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