Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Enhanced Search Features Coming to Workday this September

AI Tech Powers the New Search Feature

Workday's major release this fall will bring powerful new tools to enhance your user experience. The highlight of this update is the introduction of AI-enhanced search capabilities, designed to save you time and effort as you navigate through Workday.

By integrating AI into the search experience, Workday now analyzes your search queries and displays the most relevant tasks and reports right at the top of your search results. This means you’ll spend less time scrolling and more time getting your work done.

As part of this update, Workday is also rolling out simplified search functionality, which will be integrated with the Workday Assistant. This handy tool will now be enabled for all users, making it easier than ever to find what you need within Workday.

We appreciate the collaboration between the HCM HR Impact Team and the Finance Workday Support Team for thoroughly testing this new functionality to ensure a smooth rollout for everyone.

Stay tuned for more details, and be sure to take advantage of these exciting new features when they become available later this September!


Monday, September 16, 2024

Travel & Expense Team On the Road

Lunch & Learn flyer from T&E's
recent visit to the School of Nursing

Our Travel & Expense (T&E) Team has been on the move! They’ve been busy scheduling presentations across schools and units, answering questions and providing guidance on everything from tips for booking with TravelUVA to the T&E card to Workday Expenses.

Whether you need help navigating T&E Card processes or you need help managing expenses in Workday (or anything else T&E-related), the team is here to help. They’ve already made stops in several departments and are eager to connect with more schools and units to ensure everyone has the support they need.

The best part? They’re flexible! The T&E Team can present in person or via Zoom, making it easy to get the information you need, no matter where you’re located.

If your department hasn’t yet scheduled a session, please reach out to the T&E Team via travel@virginia.edu. They'll be happy to line up a session tailored to your questions and needs.


Reporting & Data Tips & Tricks

Export Data after filtering a report

If you filter a report from within the report itself to reduce the data and then export it, it will still export ALL the rows returned in the original request.

Try returning to the Prompts (Filter) page and selecting additional filters to narrow the data output to just what you want (if the filters are available on the Prompts page). You can return to the Prompts page by clicking the Change Selection icon at the top of the report.



Reporting & Data Tips & Tricks is a recurring series featuring information that will help you use the tools available at UVA to get more out of your data.  Have a suggestion?  How about a reporting question?  Reach out to the Business Intelligence & Analytics Team via askfinance@virginia.edu 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Exploring Finance at UVA: Kim Blowe

Welcome to 'Exploring Finance at UVA'! This is a recurring blog feature that will highlight finance professionals from across Grounds, beyond UVAFinance. Meet a diverse array of staff members and delve into their roles and insights in the world of finance within the greater UVA framework.

If you or someone you know would like to be featured in Exploring Finance at UVA, please email bv8h@virginia.edu


Kim Blowe, Director of Finance for the Department of Medicine

Kim Blowe
What do you do as Director of Finance?

I work within the School of Medicine under the Department of Medicine.
Our department covers a wide range of specialties within internal medicine: cardiology, hematology, endocrinology, infectious disease, and many others. Imagine managing multiple businesses with very different needs, all under one umbrella. We have over 1,000 people, including physicians, nurse practitioners, trainees, and support staff, who keep us running. My job is within the Chair’s office, and I work to ensure that all these diverse areas come together under one unified budget, planning strategy and financial outlook. Essentially, I oversee our department’s financial operations, making sure we’re good stewards of our resources, managing complex revenue streams, and handling financial reporting and risk management. It's essential that we allocate and plan our funds appropriately.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

The people, hands down. I work with an incredible team of diverse and talented individuals. I’ve been in this field for 35 years, working with different state agencies, and I can say that the success of what we do hinges on collaboration. I rely heavily on the folks in the cost centers, administrators, and my own fiscal team. The collective talent and commitment of these people make what I do not just possible, but rewarding.

Who do you work most within Central Finance?

I work closely with several folks in Central Finance. Danielle Hancock has been one of my go-to contacts for various needs. Carlos Rodriguez in Payroll is also great, especially when it comes to handling adjustments and cost allocations for our employees. Addie Coe is my procurement expert—I can always count on her. Wanda Breeden is fantastic when it comes to managing the many gifts we receive. I also work with the development team and the Medical School Foundation. On the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) side, Jim Bowen and Mike Priddy help us stay in compliance.

What rhythms exist in your work? Is there a busy season?

Absolutely! We have two major busy seasons. July is our only lull, where things are a bit quieter. But from August through December, it’s all-out craziness as we work to ensure everyone is in place, and all variances are accounted for, so we can land on budget. Budget season is from January to May, and it’s particularly challenging because it involves aligning timelines and requirements from UVA, the Medical Center, and the University Physicians Group (UPG). It’s a long, intense period, but crucial for our department’s financial health.

How does your work further UVA's mission?

Kim's office, where the magic happens!
Our work is deeply aligned with UVA’s mission, particularly through the ASPIRE values—accountability, stewardship, respect, integrity, and equity. In finance, integrity is critical; people need to trust that we are handling funds appropriately. Stewardship is at the heart of what we do. We manage a $244 million budget, and it’s my responsibility to ensure every dollar is accounted for and used wisely. This stewardship allows us to support our faculty in providing clinical care, education, and research. I’m also committed to continuous improvement—whether it’s through better use of our systems like Workday or ensuring transparency in our financial processes. I dedicate a lot of time to training new fiscal team members and making sure everyone is equipped with the knowledge they need.

What's something interesting or funny about your team?

Well, I’m the extrovert of the group—only one other team member shares that trait, while the rest are introverts. And I love introverts because they’re such deep thinkers! We’re also all animal lovers, and we’ve actually assigned our work talents to different breeds of dogs, which is pretty fun. For example, one team member is a phenomenal problem-solver—our go-to sleuth for any issue. We call her our Bloodhound. Another team member is meticulous in monitoring our funds and deficits—she’s our German Shepherd. We have a Jack Russell who handles all procurement and supports several cost centers, coordinating everything with boundless energy. Our St. Bernard stays calm and cool during the most chaotic budget seasons, while our Greyhound completes tasks with speed and grace. And then there’s me—I’m the Rottweiler of the group, strong and protective, ensuring that everyone is taken care of and that we get the job done.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nimbello OCR Implementation

OCR & Nimbello
Accounts Payable has recently introduced a new system of invoice organization with Nimbello, an OCR invoice processing AP Automation tool. The implementation has gone smoothly so far, and we wanted to share some information that you might find useful as we continue to work through the process. 

Before Nimbello, invoices were getting sent to vendor dashboards and a case was created in Salesforce immediately. Now, the biggest change will be that those invoices previously sent to vendors are going straight to Nimbello, without the automation of cases being created in Salesforce. This new processing system helps to clear up the number of backlogged cases within Salesforce. Additionally, this system negates the automatic messages to vendors previously being sent out of Salesforce due to the automation of cases. Nimbello should help invoices get processed more quickly, with a rough time frame estimate of 5-7 days after the system has been fully implemented in the coming weeks.

Because this implementation is still ongoing, the Accounts Payable team has been hard at work remedying the backlog of invoice cases that Salesforce had created before Nimbello. These cases had to be sent from Salesforce to Nimbello, and are now being processed through the new OCR system, so there have been a few delays in this process. The backlogged cases and net 15 payments are being addressed first so that any suppliers who are set up with those quicker payment terms have those deadlines met. Within the next couple of weeks, the team hopes to have remedied this backlog so that new invoices can be processed quickly. 

If you still wish to submit a case through Salesforce or have questions about cases that have been slowed down in the implementation process, please reach out to askfinance@virginia.edu.


Related Content: Optical Character Recognition for Invoice Processing


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Carruthers History: Mountains of Paper

Hope they had some Sortkwik
If you ever feel buried in Workday transactions, emails, and Excel spreadsheets, just remember there was a time not so long ago when all of these things would have been physical paper piled up on your desk.  


  • Detailed and summary accounting reports used for monthly reconciliations were printed out on green and white tractor feed paper in one giant stack.  It would take two or three days for staff to separate the printouts (ripping them apart at their perforated edges) and stuff them in campus mail envelopes to be sent to schools and units.  
  • Expense reports were also done on paper:  receipts painstakingly taped to blank paper and attached to itemized reports – all arrived at Carruthers Hall in an avalanche of messenger mail.  
  • Inter-departmental transfers were handled by one staff member in Finance, who would spend her day working through heaps of them, stamping each one firmly as she finished it in a steady rhythm all day long.  

We’ve come a long way!  Although processes and technology have changed, the dedication of all those on various teams in Finance remains strong (just with fewer papercuts). 


Thanks to Connie Alexander and Stacey Rittenhouse for sharing these memories.


UVAFinance In Action: September 11, 2024

  UVAFinance Team Helps New Hoos Get Settled

Great job, all!

Members of the UVAFinance Team were happy to pitch in and help UVA first-years move into the dorms as the fall semester began.  Thank you to Ann Paxton, Anthony Pearson, Katie Walker, Lorrie Jean, and Mark Anderson, for sharing your time, enthusiasm, and muscles!  

What a great group!

Celebrating our Payroll Team During Payroll Week!

Happy Payroll Week to our fantastic Payroll Team!  Payroll Week comes every September (this year it was September 2-6), but we're grateful all year long for this team who keeps our paychecks coming!


Monday, September 9, 2024

UVA Organizational Excellence Presents: Practical Design Thinking Techniques for Innovation

New from Organizational Excellence
UVA Organizational Excellence will be sponsoring Practical Design Thinking Techniques for Innovation, a presentation lead by Ryan Evans, Principal Service Designer at Tufts University Technology Services, and Colin Gerrity, Design Strategist at Tufts University. 

This presentation will focus on Design Thinking, a people-centered approach that allows us to collaboratively explore problems, build a shared understanding, ask the right questions, generate innovative ideas, and iterate solutions to achieve our goals. In the interactive session, participants will discover how the team at Tufts University has adapted Design Thinking frameworks for the community. Additionally, participants will learn how to apply these methods to enhance their team's problem-solving abilities and gain practical strategies for facilitating both large and small-group ideation.

The presentation will be on September 23, 1:00pm - 2:30pm over Zoom (access information will be provided to registrants). 

To register, click the link here



Travel & Expense Purchase Justification Update

We've recently updated the Purchase Justification requirement for Travel & Expense.

Purchase Justification Updates

The 30-day Purchase Justification requirement has been removed from expense reports for T&E charges. 


    • After conducting a survey to a select group of fiscal admins to get their feedback, they concluded explanations in this field did not add value and that the requirement slowed down the creation of expense reports

What's Next?

    • The policy still remains to expense all charges within 30 days
    • Emails are being sent to cardholders with unexpected or unapproved transactions older than 30 days
      • This has already created a  62.3% decrease in aging transactions since March
    • The Senior Department Finance Approvers will receive a list each month of those who submitted expenses more than 30 days after purchase
    • Still expect to see Purchase Justification requirements for other policies like first-class airfare, air upgrades over $350, hotels over $600 per night, etc.
See Danae Polemi's Fiscal Administrator Meeting slides regarding this update.   As always, reach out to us via askfinance@virginia.edu with questions or concerns. 



System Access Updates: Requests

There have been a couple of big security updates within Workday recently that allow users to have a more organized request dashboard. 

90-Day Rule for Requests

Firstly, there is now a 90-day rule on requests, meaning that incomplete or unapproved requests that haven't met approvals within 90 days of the request being posted will be canceled. This update will help keep things moving in Workday, so the system doesn't get backed up with unsatisfied requests. This will also help address requests submitted under one position that cannot be applied to a user's new position. 

For more information, check out our previous blog post on this rule.

New: Cancel Your Own Request

Secondly, initiators of requests in Workday are now able to go in and cancel their personal requests themselves. To do this, go into Menu, click System Access Requests, and choose the Request you wish to cancel. Click the "Twinkie" button next to the process under Approval Process, then choose the Business Process option that pops up. After that, there will be the option to cancel the request. Workday will automatically prompt the user for a comment, so add your reason for the cancellation and submit. If you'd like to review the specifics of your canceled request, select View Details, which will allow you to view your submission. 

Note that if a request is "In Progress," the initiator has the ability to cancel it. Otherwise, if the request has been completed or denied, or cancelled prior, then the initiator will not be able to cancel their request.

This QRG goes into more detail on the steps of this cancellation process.

Adaptive Roles

Additionally, there are a couple of new Adaptive roles coming out later this month. As of now there is only one Adaptive Planning User role. Later this September, we'll have three roles available to request: 

  • Adaptive Viewer (view-only group)
  • Adaptive Planning Access (current group that can take some action)
  • Adaptive Power User (advanced users that are not administrators; limited to Central Budget staff)
Role requests will still go through the Finance System Access Request application. Users will still request Adaptive access based on Cost Center/Cost Center Hierarchy.

More information on this new rule implementation is available in this QRG.


Solix to Replace Oracle as Repository for Historical Finance Info

Solix keeps our data more secure

In partnership with UVAFinance, OSP, and UVAHR, ITS is moving UVA's Oracle historical data over to a new structured data archive called Solix.  Solix is a more secure alternative to Oracle, as the current Oracle environment exposes our historical financial data to risk.  

Financial data and HR data in Oracle have not been updated since each area went live with Workday. Going forward, only a small number of central office users will have access to Oracle and subsequently, Solix.  If you need access to historical financial data that would've come from Oracle, contact UVAFinance via askfinance@virginia.edu and the team will either get the data for you or, if it is a substantial need, they will escalate your request to the data stewards for review.

Note that this change applies to HR data and grants-related data as well.  For those data types, you can reach out directly to askhr@virginia.edu or osp-postaward@virginia.edu.  Don't worry about deciding which email to use, though -- just reach out to one of them and we'll make sure you get what you need!


Meet Elizabeth Vlahos: Embracing New Opportunities in UVAFinance

Shelby and Elizabeth

Elizabeth Vlahos, the new Manager of General Accounting at UVA, is settling into her role with a fresh perspective and an eagerness to dive into the complexities of finance in higher education. Just three weeks into her new position, Vlahos is already embracing the challenge of learning UVA's unique systems and processes, all while unlearning the state lingo she became accustomed to over her 11 years at the Virginia Department of Accounts.

“I’m used to acronyms—just different ones!” Vlahos jokes.

Her career shift comes after years of focusing on state-wide financial oversight, where she was responsible for big-picture accounting across all State agencies. Now, at UVA, she’s excited to take a more focused approach, exploring the day-to-day intricacies of accounting at a Tier 3 institution.

“Higher ed is a very complicated environment,” she explains. “There’s so much more involved than I expected—all of the different divisions, so many people working toward a common goal. Even at the central finance level, we’re working closely with other units to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

While she still commutes from her home in Richmond, where she enjoys the vibrant downtown atmosphere, Vlahos is looking forward to exploring Charlottesville and UVA Grounds.
“I’m planning a field trip to tour Grounds with my husband and son this fall,” she shares.

For now, she enjoys the more neighborhood-like feel of Charlottesville and the supportive, team-oriented environment at UVA. “Everyone has been super friendly, happy to answer my questions and help me understand things. There’s a real sense of wanting to lift everyone up.”

Vlahos’s path to an accounting career wasn’t exactly linear. In fact, she admits that as a high schooler, she disliked accounting and math. Originally an international business major at Virginia Commonwealth University, she considered becoming a lawyer. However, after finding that VCU didn’t offer many of the classes she needed at night (necessary as she was working full-time), she switched her major to Business Administration. A job in accounts receivable introduced her to a mentor—an adjunct professor and CPA—who encouraged her to pursue a Certificate in accounting to qualify to take the CPA exam.

“I realized accounting wasn’t about 'difficult' math,” she says. “It’s more like fitting a puzzle together and telling a story with numbers, and that’s what I loved about it.”

Since earning her CPA, Vlahos has continued to grow in her career. Reflecting on her younger self, she laughs, “No one I grew up with would have expected accounting to be my chosen career path.”
Outside of work, Elizabeth loves to travel and enjoys the great outdoors. She and her husband, Brian, met at VCU and have a two-year-old son. Together, they love to camp, hike, and kayak, with Asheville being one of their favorite vacation spots. Rounding out their adventurous family is their four-year-old Rottweiler, Shelby.

As she looks ahead to her future at UVA, Elizabeth is excited about the opportunities ahead. “There’s a lot going on in Finance, and I really like the continuous improvement focus,” she says. “Everyone here wants to make things work better and more efficiently, and I’m excited to be a part of that.”

UVAFinance Welcomes Victoria Peprah-Asante to Payroll Services

Victoria Peprah-Asante

Victoria Peprah-Asante, UVAFinance’s new Payroll Accounting Manager, joined the team at the end of July this year. As she settles into her role, Peprah-Asante leads a new team that ensures payroll costing including accounting entries are processed across the Workday platform correctly ensuring that all payroll transactions are posted to the general ledger, making certain everything ends up in the right place within the financial system. Along with payroll costing, her team will also work closely with other teams in UVA Finance and HR to reconcile payroll and benefits data.

“I'm excited about this new team because we get to develop the standards," Peprah-Asante explains. "Understanding how the payroll runs and ensuring it's allocated correctly is essential, and making sure the general ledgers balance so they flow into the financial reports is a process I enjoy.”

Peprah-Asante holds an accounting degree from the University of Florida and MBA from Walden University. Her journey into payroll and finance began over two decades ago in higher education at the University of Florida, where she held various roles in finance and human resources. “Every time a project needed to be done, I’d get looped in because I look at things holistically, always focusing on the bigger picture and how we can leverage resources,” she says.

Since joining UVA, Peprah-Asante has been impressed with the collaborative environment within UVAFinance. “The onboarding process was so smooth, and whenever I had a question, I received a quick response,” she notes. “The Payroll Team has been incredibly welcoming and helpful. Everyone is great at what they do, and they’re always ready to assist. That’s one of the things I enjoy the most about UVA so far—this culture of collaboration.”

When she's not busy ensuring financial accuracy, Peprah-Asante enjoys many other pursuits, such as walking and reading. "Fiction is my way of chilling out and de-stressing,” she says. She’s also developing a green thumb, joking that while she used to kill plants, she's now nurturing five healthy ones.

Victoria's husband and three daughters
Peprah-Asante’s personal life is just as dynamic as her professional one. She and her husband have three daughters and are preparing themselves to the idea of being empty nesters soon. She’s looking forward to focusing more on herself in this new phase of life, including traveling. She is excited about a family trip to Ghana this winter where she is originally from.

With her wealth of experience and fresh perspective, Peprah-Asante is excited about the opportunities ahead at UVA. “A lot is happening in Finance right now, and I love the focus on continuous improvement. Everyone is working to make things better and easier, and I’m excited to be a part of it.”

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Don't Forget Time With a Trainer!

Time with a Trainer
Need a little extra help with Workday Financials? 

Whether you just need a bit of a refresher or specifics on how to do certain tasks in Workday, we've got your back. 

Our UVAFinance trainers have their availability and specializations posted on the Workday Financials Training page, and are happy to assist you. 

Just find the right trainer for your task, then sign up for a one-on-one Zoom meeting with an expert!


Introducing UVAFinance: Sri Murthy & Patrick Wood


Introducing UVAFinance is a recurring blog feature created to introduce our team to our team, a couple of members at a time. Every other week, we present readers with a team member or two to get to know. 

NEW Resource: UVAFinance by Department


Sri Murthy
Sri Murthy, Business Analyst with Business Solutions & Data Analytics in PSDS

What do you do as a Business Analyst?

As an Analyst, I perform two types of activities- short term fixes and long-term solutions. This involves doing certain daily activities to keep systems and processes going. This daily sense check of operations helps us identify patterns of issues that are existing in the life cycle of PSDS and gets our brain churning on how we can eliminate these problems. Our team is also part of larger cohorts that implement solutions that are helpful in enhancing the overall functionality of UVAFinance. For instance, I am now actively working on the implementation of a new OCR tool for invoice processing and also involved in improving PaymentWorks as a supplier management tool.

Who are the people/departments you work with on a regular basis?

As part of our daily work, I have the pleasure of interacting and collaborating with various units of PSDS, UVAFinance, and other UVA departments as well. We also closely collaborate with our third-party providers like Jagger, PaymentWorks, Nimbello, etc., especially during implementations of new projects or fixes to existing problems. And of course, we collaborate very closely with our vendors to help with not just reconciling their payments but to improve their overall experience with UVA. 

What seasons are busiest, or what rhythms exist in your job?

As analysts, we get data and process enhancement requests all year long. This could be as simple as a question about their roles or access to the different tools, or more detailed reports that they need to help in their decision making. Having said that, Fiscal Year end is one of our busiest times, packed with current year-end closure and new fiscal year rollover activities.

What might surprise people about the work you do/this role/your department or area?

This is such an interesting question because we get from a lot of people, "what does your team actually do?" Our team is not focused on any one particular skillset, but in fact helps in problem solving and enhancing functionalities across Departments and Technologies. We need to ensure we have enough knowledge and understanding of all the tools and processes used at UVAFinance because we get questions from all over. We are who people come to when they get stuck or are not sure how to do something r how to make something better. 

What do you like best about working in UVAFinance?

Definitely the people- work will be the same no matter where you go, but who you work with makes a lot of difference. I was fortunate to have found a wonderful team with amazing leaders to work with and this makes everyday work a lot more enjoyable. I love how seamless my transition was from fully on site to now fully remote. I am always able to find answers from my UVAFinance mentors and friends. 

How do you connect your work with the UVAFinance Values?

As an analyst, our primary focus is data and the insights we draw from that data. A lot of people rely on the insights we provide and so it is particularly important that we deliver accurate and consistent information. I also genuinely believe in being a collaborative partner- talking to more people helps understand the problems that are out there and where we can lend a hand to jointly fill the gaps. Another key value I resonate with as an engineer is to provide innovative solutions to problems. We are in the best possible era of technology with so many advancements in AI and it is great to see UVAFinance taking the steps to be part of this revolution.


Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood, Procurement Sourcing Specialist

What do you do as Procurement Sourcing Specialist?

Sourcing specialists assist companies in effecting more efficient sourcing processes to save costs and maximize profitability. They negotiate with suppliers to obtain goods, materials, and services at the best prices using strategic sourcing strategies and extensive knowledge of their commodity industry.

Who are the people/departments you work with on a regular basis?

I work with all departments across Grounds. However, my primary commodities include Catering, Moving & Relocation, and Athletics. 

What seasons are busiest, or what rhythms exist in your job?

Our work is constant and consistent throughout the year, however purchasing may get a little more frantic during the period of fiscal year-end closing. 

What might surprise people about the work you do/this role/your department or area?

Something that may surprise people is that actually, so few people handle the vast quantities of agreements for the entire university and for the level of complexity the work holds. 

What do you like best about working in UVAFinance?

The depth of the information we acquire in handling the university's expenditures and knowing how to accomplish purchases are some of my favorite things about working in UVAFinance. 

How do you connect your work with the UVAFinance Values?

I adhere to the key initiatives of the 2030 plan of cultivating staff success- we cannot achieve our aspirations unless we have a talented and fulfilled University staff. We will prioritize recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce and creating an inclusive and supportive environment in which staff are recognized as integral to the success of our mission. We will also build on existing leadership programs and develop robust career paths across the University. 


Would you like to be featured in Introducing UVAFinance? Want to suggest a colleague to be featured? Email bv8h@virginia.edu


Wellness Resources: September 2024

Embrace wellness this fall
 Join the 1% Challenge Starting September 9th

In only 14 minutes (just 1% of your day), you can learn skills to build resilience, ease stress, and improve sleep. How? Join the 1% Challenge offered by Hoos Well partner eM Life. You can also earn $50 in awards!

  • Start the challenge anytime between Sept 9 - Oct 11.
  • You must have or create an eM Life account (it's free).
  • Practice (at least) 14 minutes in live or on-demand mindfulness sessions for at least 25 days during a 40-day period from when you start the challenge. 
  • To earn the $50 cash award, you must be enrolled in a UVA Health Plan

Click HERE for more information.

Strengths and Saboteurs: Unlock New Levels of Productivity and Fulfillment 

This new 4-week course will help you uncover and harness your unique strengths, discover how to recognize and silence inner saboteurs that can hinder your progress, and navigate challenges with confidence and purpose. 

All classes are virtual from 3:00 - 4:15 p.m.

  • Tues., Sept 10
  • Tues., Sept 17
  • Tues., Sept 24
  • Tues., Oct 1

This course is presented by FEAP and is not eligible for Hoos Well awards. 

Click HERE to register and for more information.

September Emotional & Financial Well-Being Classes 

  • Don't Just Survive - Thrive! -- September 10, 12 PM - Presented by FEAP 
  • Make the Most of Your Retirement Savings -- September 12, 2 PM & 6 PM - Presented by Fidelity
  • Dealing With Market Volatility: What You Need to Know -- September 17, 11 AM & 1 PM - Presented by TIAA

The above emotional and financial well-being classes are eligible for earning $25 Hoos Well rewards. You must be enrolled in a UVA Health Care Plan to earn rewards. 

Free Group Fitness Classes and Programs

Get your heart pumping, stretch your body, and strengthen your muscles with fitness classes and programs offered by Hoos Well in partnership with UVA Rec. Classes and programs are free to employees and spouses.

  • Classes include Body Pump, Barre, Yoga, Aqua Jogging, PilatesZumba®, and Cycle, Strength & Core. 
  • Programs include Tennis, Swimming, Karate, Kickboxing, Kettlebells, Pickleball, Yoga, and many more. Group programs typically last several weeks and require registration. Programs are filling fast.

Check out the class schedule or register for a program HERE.

More Hoos Well Opportunities

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